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If you've used Wheelocks Latin

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Which parts of the curriculum did you find vital? Or not vital, but very worthwhile?


Looking on Amazon I see the text itself, a workbook, 38 stories designed to go with it plus a TE just for them, a "Scribblers, Sculptors and Scribes" companion, a reader, vocabulary cards, and cumulative vocabulary lists.


I like extras that make the job easier, but not extra work for the sake of extra work.


ETA: This is for a DC with a fair amount of Latin already under his belt, primarily from Classical Academic Press materials.

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Just the textbook has enough. Some people do get a lot from the workbook, but it's really just extra practice. Some do need it though.

the 38 stories are fun, and provide more practice with translation. They are crucial to gain fluidity in reading when used properly. If you ever want to be able to read Latin without translating in your head, then get the 38 stories.

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Just the textbook has enough. Some people do get a lot from the workbook, but it's really just extra practice. Some do need it though.

the 38 stories are fun, and provide more practice with translation. They are crucial to gain fluidity in reading when used properly. If you ever want to be able to read Latin without translating in your head, then get the 38 stories.


Thank you. That combo is exactly what I was leaning toward, but I didn't want to miss a gem.


I have the text, workbook, reader, readings, 38 stories, and Scribblers. I like them all. But Grote's A Comprehensive Guide, and the text would be must haves here.


I love Getting Started with Latin as a beginning book before Wheelocks too.


Thank you. I will take a closer look at the Grote book.


I should have mentioned in the OP that this isn't for a beginner. He will probably need to skip or condense a fair amount at the beginning of Wheelock's.

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A second for Dale Grote's companion book. He has a teacher's understanding of where students might struggle and he walks you patiently through the rough spots. Excellent (essential) book.





Make that a third! If you are planning on trying to work thru Wheelocks outside a class, the Grote book is basically a must have IMHO.

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Dd has been using Wheelocks for the past couple of months while visiting the US. The local library had a copy so we did not carry her Henle over. She has been meandering through it at her own pace -- I think she is on chapter 5 in 6 weeks. So moving fairly quick. She has a website with quiz and test questions that she really likes that has helped her move through with confidence. Based on 6 th edition. I can find out the name if you need more info.

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I have copies of Wheelock's Text and Workbook in the 3rd edition. Someone threw them out in the paper recycling bin, along with about 100 other books and we snatched them up quickly! Anyway, if I buy the Grote book, will it match up with this edition? Actually, there are a couple of editions of Grote's book. Does anyone know which one matched the 3rd edition of Wheelock's?

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