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Singapore Math/Miquon Correlation Chart


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I just wanted to share this chart with everyone. After spending a lot of time searching, I finally found it!





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That old correlation chart was tied to the older US Edition of Primary Mathematics.


I honestly don't see how it was of much use in any case. The topics could not be more clearly marked in Miquon if one did want to correlate lessons. But I'm not sure it is such a good idea in any case. Better IMO to get an exposure on a topic using the concrete manipulatives and play-based learning in Miquon, and letting that gurgle a while before re-visiting the topic using Primary Mathematics.


Too tight a correlation would truncate the benefits of the discovery based aspects of Miquon. Better IMO not to rush this.


For sure reading the Topic materials in the Miquon Lab Annotations book prior to tackling a new arithmatical operation in Primary Mathematics is a good idea for teacher/parents, but one doesn't need a schedule for that.



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The topics could not be more clearly marked in Miquon if one did want to correlate lessons.

This, I agree 100% with.

I have that correlation file on my computer, but I've rarely looked at it. I just look at the chart in beginning of the Lab sheet Annotations book, and depending on which topic I want to supplement (fractions, division, etc.) I pull out the corresponding lab sheet. Or I let my dd choose a lab sheet she feels like doing.


To the OP, I'd suggest letting your child choose which lab sheet they want to do and not worry about correlating with SM.

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