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For those in CC - Is this too much?


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For those of you in CC, this is my curriculum line up for next year for my 1st and 2nd grader. I'm purchasing it this month (I like to have everything well in advance). Again, I'm new to CC and new to Classical in general so please advise. Is this overkill?


Reading/Phonics - Rod & Staff

Writing - WWE

Grammar - FLL (for my 2nd grader only)

Math - Horizons

History to compliment CC - SOTW


I've heard that some people wait to introduce grammar but I'm not sure when. What is the reason for this and is 2nd grade too early?


Thanks in advance.



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I cannot comment on CC but I can on the grammar. Some folks feel it's better to wait to do much grammar until children can be more abstract in their thought processes. I tend to feel that there is a lot of repetitiveness in primary aged grammar curriculum, as well. What I do is use copywork to teach the basic parts of speech, sentences vs fragments and basic capitalization and punctuation rules. Then I start doing a more formal program in fourth grade.

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Well, I can't offer any advice on how much is too much because 1) we'll also be new to CC this fall and 2) a lot depends on your kids' maturity and tolerance for book work. They're young, so they should be pretty flexible and 'get with the program' fairly quickly.


My 8 year old will do CC Foundations this coming school year. At home, we'll continue with Math Mammoth/Beast Academy/CWP (not all each day), FLL, WWE, R&S Spelling, SOTW, and GP Science. I just love SOTW too much to drop it and I won't even try to match it up. We'll just plug along and hope for connections to form naturally as she sees the same topics presented in each curriculum.


I really like FLL and think for your 2nd grader it could easily be done in 5 minutes per day. I think your plan looks good; it would work for my kids. Good luck!

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First Language Lessons teaches nouns (common, proper), and introduces verbs about halfway or more through. Writing with Ease has dictation, and copywork incorporated into the curriculum. Would you recommend just covering those basics through the year along with the WWE curriculum and skip the FLL at this age? I've been told that they really hit the grammar hard in 4th grade at CC so maybe it's a good idea to wait then?

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You have a few choices with regards to the CC work. You can treat CC memory work as a completely separate subject, and only memorize it, OR, you can flesh out the timeline, history, science, & geography at home instead of adding separate science and social studies.


My original plan was to really work hard fleshing out the CC stuff, but it just got hard as it didn't really align with any other curriculum neatly.


Now, I usually do one SHORT picture book or Magic School Bus video or whatever about the CC ones that I can find, and otherwise just treat CC memory work as a separate subject. If my kids didn't care, I wouldn't even bother to do this, I would just do straight memory work, but my kids really WANT a little context or they don't want to memorize. :)


My kids are always SO excited when we come across something in our non-CC curriculum that they have learned separately as part of CC memory work!

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Thank you, Megan! I added R&S spelling. As for Science, yes, I'm going to use what they are learning at CC and add to it with things I find online, field trips, lapbooks, etc.


Have you seen Wisdom & Righteousness CC lapbooks? Check those out, as well as the blog by Sola Gratia Mom (I always search based on "Classical Conversations Wonderful Wednesdays" to find it. Also, you can buy a set that has ALL the Magic School Bus videos. We also use the Let's Read & Find Out book series - each of those has an easy hands on activity.

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That looks doable to me. With kids that age, I would plan on CC being your school one day per week. We love the Foundations program, but afterward we feel very done with anything school-related for the day. That leaves 4 days to complete the other things we have planned. CC has a long break between semesters where we do school 5 days per week with longer days, so we can accomplish a lot of curriculum during that break. It may take a while to find the right flow to your days/weeks, but I don't think you're trying to do too much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just love SOTW too much to drop it and I won't even try to match it up. We'll just plug along and hope for connections to form naturally as she sees the same topics presented in each curriculum.



Your CC Director has access to some online resources. A wonderfully helpful one our director distributed was a document that corresponded the weekly memory work with the SOTW program. :)

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I'm planning for our first CC year in the fall as well. I'll have an 8 year old in 3rd grade and a 5 year old in K.

For the 3rd grader, I have-

Math-Miquon, MEP, MM and primary grade challenge math (not all in one day, we jump around based on what she needs to work on)

Grammar-Learning Language Arts Through Literature (this covers copywork, a little spelling, and some writing)

Spelling-Apples and Pears

Cursive-workbook from scholastic $1 days

Reading-three 30 minute sessions of reading, one aloud and two silent. Narration to me after each session.

History-SOTW and extra literature to go along with CC

Science-Lapbooks on various subjects, extra literature and activities to go along with CC


For the K'er-


Phonics-ETC and Phonics pathways

Writing-Spalding method, mama made copywork

Reading-three 10 minute reading sessions, aloud, to me

Science and history-same as dd1, if she so chooses


I'm also planning on making the CC memory Lapbooks and the memory board. We have been doing CC cycle 1 at home for now, and both of them LOVE listening to the memory work on my phone/iPad (the app). We listen to it in the car, once on our way to wherever we are going, and once on the way back home. Takes 5 minutes, and by Friday, they have everything memorized, with no struggles at all.


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