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House Question


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We lived in our first house for a little over 10 years. Then we moved across the country, next house was supposed to be "it" but I'm sitting in another country as I write this, so.....


We still own that house, but I can't honestly say that we'll ever physically live in it again. Life is too iffy right now.


At this point I'm just hoping that wherever we land when we get back to the states doesn't involve a city or another apartment!

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we've lived here for almost years (2 years in june). we will own our land in about 3 years. we will then save to build a house on the property (we live in the existing trailer on the land currently). we plan to stay here indefinitely.


we lived in our previous home for 5 years, but sold it when we moved here to FL.

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We were in our previous house 16 years. We were thinking forever when we bought it. It was only in the last couple of years we seriously considered moving to be closer to family help. We've been in the new home for 6 months.


The thing is, even if you had agreed initially, life is unpredictable. I know lots of people who bought forever and, due to job issues or health, moved much more quickly than expected. I know others who bought what they considered a starter and found themselves unable to move, particularly after the housing changes. Beyond that I can think of all kinds of things hubby and I agreed on before or early in marriage and, well, we're different people now. I hope you're not carrying any real regret or similar over it.

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Almost 7 years, though we've lived on the same block for over 10. It's time for something new.


River living really isn't all it's cracked up to be. Did you know barges sound like what I would imagine an outerspace train would sound like? Or that geese really, really like to travel along waterways and honk very loudly the entire time, all year long? Or that you can smell a rotting fish carcass from a block away on a rainy day? Or that the rivers are filling up with giant "flying" fish? Neither did I, ten years ago.

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We've been in our house for 10 months. I expect to be here until I'm old, I guess. I haven't really thought that far ahead. We have talked about selling it and downsizing when we get old and the kids are gone. It's far too big for just 2 of us plus I doubt I'll want to climb stairs when I'm old and weak. Maybe we'll just buy a motor home and cruise around.

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We've only lived in our house for two months, but Dh and I agree that this is our forever house. The longest we've ever lived somewhere (a country, not just a house) was 13 months, so this was a big decision for us! It's perfect - 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a big driveway and lots of young neighbours. We're hoping to have two more kids, so it should fit us perfectly in 2-3 years. :)

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We bought our first house 2 years after we were married and intended to stay 5 years or so, then move to a larger place to have room for more kids. That was 26 years ago and we're still in the same house. :laugh: Our girls have always shared a room and it hasn't really been a problem. We LOVE our neighborhood and are friends with several of the neighbors. The more I talk with other people, the more I realize that's not something to take for granted.


I would have loved to have some land when the kids were growing up (I still would love that) but I'm not sure when or if we'll ever move. Who knows what the future holds...?

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