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Why do posters continue, often over pages, to post responses criticizing the OP?

Lisa R.

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Often people respond to the OP without reading all those pages of posts.


Also, I think it can be helpful to the OP to get more than a few responses. That way the OP can know if something is more than one weirdo's opinion.



Add in that some of us leave wtm up and start typing and have to come back and finish later. Sometimes I'll start a response, come back to finish it hours later, and once I press submit, there will be like 3 new pages!

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I'm not trying to scold anyone here. I've genuinely wondered this for a long time.


When an OP states their view on an issue and others disagree, many posters will write a post to tell them so. What puzzles me is why this goes on, sometimes, for pages.


I'm wondering: why restate what 20-30 posters have already said?


Do anyone ever feel like it's unfair piling this on the OP, even if you disagree with them?


If you have a strong opinion that the OP is wrong, do you wish to contribute so the OP gets a clear picture that they should rethink their position?


If you've posted something and 20+ posters disagreed, do you rethink your position?


This is not in reference to any particular post or poster.



All I can say is that not everyone reads other responses before posting. That's why you might see 20 responses in a row all saying essentially the same thing, and no one has read all the responses, so no piling on there.


I rarely see anyone pile on here, unless the OP (or some other poster) is obnoxious about it, or willfully misunderstanding the point that everyone is trying to make. Rare here, actually.

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If somebody starts a thread that is nothing but crazy, they can't reasonably expect the JAWM to work as some kind of a shield. I mean, if nobody on the planet is going to like what you've said, thought, or done, well, nature abhors a vacuum. If nobody can fill up the thread with agreement, the disagrees are going to have to say something.


To me, the JAWM is for when a person means, "OK, I realize I might not be the most rational or intelligent version of myself right at this moment, but I can't help it, my heels are dug in for just a little bit. So please take my side just 'cuz you like me, just this once. If you can't validate me right now, that's fine, I know I'm crazy. Just look the other way."

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If somebody starts a thread that is nothing but crazy, they can't reasonably expect the JAWM to work as some kind of a shield. I mean, if nobody on the planet is going to like what you've said, thought, or done, well, nature abhors a vacuum. If nobody can fill up the thread with agreement, the disagrees are going to have to say something.


To me, the JAWM is for when a person means, "OK, I realize I might not be the most rational or intelligent version of myself right at this moment, but I can't help it, my heels are dug in for just a little bit. So please take my side just 'cuz you like me, just this once. If you can't validate me right now, that's fine, I know I'm crazy. Just look the other way."


I sort of agree, but I have seen fairly normal JAWM threads that had some crazies respond with things like "Well, I just think you are _____ type of person and you got up this morning looking for trouble and you were asking for it and you got it." Not those exact words, but that was the gist and lots of nasty assumptions being made about the OP for no good reason I could find. Fortunately, in the cases I've noticed someone was quick to jump in and slap the crazy poster (who was calling the Op crazy :001_rolleyes:) on the wrist--virtually speaking, of course.

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