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Math - BJU VS Saxon


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I'm sure this has been asked 100 times (or more), but I'm trying to decide between BJU and Saxon for my 2nd grader next year. Using BJU this year and it's fine, she's actually doing quite well. I know many who really like Saxon. Is there something better about 1 over the other? I'm not too keen on the BJU manipulatives, but other than that I don't see much wrong.

Side note - state requirements are now that 8th graders must take algebra 1 (homeschool and public). Neither BJU nor Saxon have algebra 1 for 8th grade. That's besides the point. :) Just some news I learned today.

Thanks for your thoughts!

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I'll repeat the mantra on the forum about math. If it's not broke, don't fix it. If your daughter likes it and you like it enough and she doesn't cry every time you open the book, it will do just fine. You can make yourself go nuts about all the different thoughts about math on this forum. It can cause you to question everything you do - math is an especially hot topic. Just stay with what you like and is working and don't pay attention to the others.



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I have looked at both BJU and Saxon math. BJU is a mastery program while Saxon is spiral. I would stick with what is working for now and plan to change programs (if needed) before upper level math. I believe a common Saxon sequence is Saxon 8/7 (or Saxon 1/2) in 7th grade and Algebra I in 8th. Saxon teaches pre-algebra in 7th and either more pre- algebra in 8th or algebra I.

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I'm sure this has been asked 100 times (or more), but I'm trying to decide between BJU and Saxon for my 2nd grader next year. Using BJU this year and it's fine, she's actually doing quite well. I know many who really like Saxon. Is there something better about 1 over the other? I'm not too keen on the BJU manipulatives, but other than that I don't see much wrong.

Side note - state requirements are now that 8th graders must take algebra 1 (homeschool and public). Neither BJU nor Saxon have algebra 1 for 8th grade. That's besides the point. :) Just some news I learned today.

Thanks for your thoughts!


I don't like Saxon's primary levels, so of those two, I'd say stick with BJUP, especially if your dd is doing well.


Saxon isn't actually "grade levels." Those numbers on there are just references, as children are supposed to take placement tests and do the levels they test into, regardless of their "grade levels." I don't see any reason that your dc couldn't do Algebra 1 in 8th grade. I have never heard of a state requiring homeschooled students to do algebra in, well, any grade, though. What state is that??


Also, FTR, Saxon is not spiral. It's incremental.

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Keep BJU. It's working for you and it's a fantastic program. I'm in the process of switching all of my kids *away* from Saxon now, because I despise Saxon Algebra and beyond, and I have started to have issues with Saxon in general since my eyes were opened to the issues with algebra. I started to dislike it last year when my oldest was in 8/7, but I tried to convince myself that it was just me, and that Saxon was truly wonderful and therefore we should stay with it. Nope, it isn't. Many people love Saxon and it works for them, so I don't want to disparage it; but it isn't a good program for us and I see my children learning so much more, and loving math so much better, without Saxon. If BJU is working well for your child, don't switch.

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I will echo the pp...stick with BJU if it is working. It is a wonderful program.


Addressing the Algebra in 8th ....you can skip the BJU Pre Algebra book. It is really a review of the math learned and an intro to Algebra (this you will repeat with the beginning of Algebra 1). Another thing. BJU math breaks down after Algebra 1 but they are redoing the Geometry and up books. Hopefully the problems those books had will be fixed in the new editions. They usually do a great job with the new editions so I have high hopes.

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I'll 5th or 6th sticking with what is working. BJU has a fantastic elementary math program. If you don't need all the extras, just skip them. Find that balance.


I'm another one that isn't a huge fan of Saxon math. It is just okay for K-3, tolerable/doable for the middle school grades, but I hate how it teaches upper level math. Just my opinion though.

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