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Food Poisining

Plateau Mama

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Do you think if a child is "coming down" with food Poisining they may be cranky hours before?


I'm trying to figure out if what is going thru our house is the flu or food Poisining. We flew home from vacation Monday night. Tuesday my DH comes home from work around 11:30 and was sick all day. (Started with barfing then spread if you get what I mean.).


Wed. He is fine goes to work. My 4 yo got up at 6 am and cried over everything for hrs, literally hours. Ths kid is my zen baby, never cries, easy going, never gets up before 9 etc. Then around 7:30pm he starts puking. Pukes hourly until 3am then sleeps till 7:30. Wakes up and isn't puking, but having issues at the other end.


So I'm trying to decide if I need to prepare for the long haul (flu) or figure we are almost done. My husband is sure it's food poisoning. He thinks the fruit plates he and child bought on the plane were the cause.

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I don't mean to be discouraging, but I was surprised to discover that some types of food poisoning are contagious. I hope y'all can contain it, and it doesn't spread. Very best wishes for a totally healthy family as soon as possible!




I'm treating as if its the flu. DH was sequestered to our room Tuesday. Today everyone except mom must keep 6 foot radius from the 4 yo. Bathrooms have been wiped down and sanitized etc.

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Maybe you guys ate something bad at the airport or on the plane?


My doctor told me that almost all intestinal "flus" are really food poisoning. I hope your family feels much better very soon!


We all ate pretty much the same thing at the airport. But the two sick ones ate the same thing on the plane. But it was fruit and cheese. I would think it rare to get food Poisoning from those. I know it's possible but it seems so out there.

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Its possible from cheese that is not kept at a proper temperature. So if a cold cheese was temporarily put somewhere warm than into the fridge again, it can cause a tummy upset.


I don't think the little one ate any of the cheese. He only ate the fruit (grapes & apples). I think I ate his cheese. So, if we are talking food poisioning the culprit had to be fruit.

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Also, the 'flu' is influenza, which is a respiratory virus. The symptoms of flu are coughing, sneezing, fever, body aches, sore throat, etc. Tummy issues are usually secondary and not nearly as common as the respiratory issues.


I think it sounds like your family has been infected with norovirus. I hope you all feel better soon! Noro is definitely not fun. :(

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