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What curricula have you found works best for you....and you have stuck with??

For us: CLE for Math and LA and Reading

Teaching Textbooks for Algebra on up

SOTW as our history spine

I need a better science spine/scope. I never seem to get to it because it is just not interesting....we do lots of science videos and experiments and nature study....but, upper level science is best farmed out or minimized by my non-science kids


Please share what programs you have used and have helped you to keep on track....and not get derailed.



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Elemental science did that for us. I've only used biology logic stage. Basically, it starts with a science experiment. Then a short reading on the topic (kingfisher science, usually). Then a sketch of the process or parts of whatever we're studying. We add one or two terms a day.


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Elemental science did that for us. I've only used biology logic stage. Basically, it starts with a science experiment. Then a short reading on the topic (kingfisher science, usually). Then a sketch of the process or parts of whatever we're studying. We add one or two terms a day.



That is a riot b/c it did the opposite for us. Both Dd and I felt too scattered by the assignments from various books, plus the overload of info on the pages of those books. Just shows how the same curriculum can work well for one family and not another.

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What works relatively easily for us:




-WWS (it's been easier than WWE was, though that was mostly Ok)

-AO, especially with the year's schedule set up at the beginning of the year. As long as the books are in the house and the schedule is printed, it works.

-other books can work (history & science) if I include them in our AO schedule. The SOTW reading happens only because it's on our AO schedule; I haven't gotten the workbook done with Sweetie since the first month of 1st grade.

-outsourcing foreign language classes.



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That is a riot b/c it did the opposite for us. Both Dd and I felt too scattered by the assignments from various books, plus the overload of info on the pages of those books. Just shows how the same curriculum can work well for one family and not another.


We felt the same way about ES.


So far what has been consistent here:


Apples & Pears spelling

AAS (depends on the kid)

Sonlight (the books, I tend to forget the schedule)

R & S English



Basically the less parts and little pieces and bits I have to collect (and keep track of!!!!), the better. I'm about to dump TOPS because I always lose the piece we need for a project.


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