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Bureaucracy stinks!


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I have been on the phone with The TX Health and Human Services Commission now for 38 minutes and holding. Why, do you ask? To report a phone number change for my mentally ill BIL. A simple phone number.


I am tired and I need to go teach my children. That is all.



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Thanks! Yes, I do have a free long distance option, so the irritation was the biggest factor and, yes, I did use speaker phone ( (and obviously played on the computer while I was on never ending hold!) I just continually find it amazing that little things can be so difficult when dealing with govt. agencies! I mean, really...it was just a phone number update! Poor lady on the other end of the phone could not make her new computer system work and had to bring in several helpers and a supervisor just to get it entered.


Oh, and did I mention that he did not answer his phone when they called to do the SNAP appt.? Oh, yeah, I ended up having to do that for him, too. Ah, well. I guess I didn't have anything else to do this morning (not!). :)


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Sorry. BTDT and it's so frustrating.


I wonder when they'll catch up with the 21st century and provide online password-protected accounts so you can just log on and change your phone # yourself? And yes, I realize not everyone has access to a computer - but people increasingly do and it would save so much time, money, and aggravation all around.


Hope your day gets better!

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