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Loving Liberty's Kids

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I've got a couple sick kids so I threw in a LK video from Netflix. I'm lovin it! What a great review for the kids. I think we'll use all the videos. Oh, I'm sitting with the ipad looking up some of the people mentioned to add to our book of centuries.


I'd love to know if anyone has used these as a spine or in some unique, fun way.

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We LOVE LOVE LOVE them! And we haven't even gotten to the American Revolution in History!


Ds1 really got into them when he was 5. He became obsessed with George Washington and wanted to see where he had lived. It was a huge jumping off point to a trip to Washington D.C. and Virginia when he was 6 (summer before first grade) that was a really great informal learning trip. Before the trip we read extra children's books about the AR. Then we went to Colonial Williamsburg to see what it was like to live in that time (and we took a day for Busch Gardens, totally unrelated to history!). We went to Mt. Vernon as well and saw where GW lived and was buried. Then we went to D.C. and saw the monuments and museums. It was a great trip, totally inspired by Liberty's Kids! I'm sure we'll do it again in the future, as those are great places to visit.


We will be studying the AR next year and plan to rewatch them then. Great little pieces of engaging history for kids. I REALLY wish they had more series like that.

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