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What to do about writing?


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My ds -12- will have completed 4 years of IEW and I really think it's time to move beyond IEW and start writing without the formula. Honestly, he's in an IEW rut. It has worked well for us but we need to branch out.


I am open to online classes or something that will start to progress him and prepare him for high school level writing. If there's a teacher manual, I need clear instructions, not theory and nice suggestions. Suggestions?




Married to DH for 1

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Have you looked at Jump In?


It's not an online class, but mostly independent, geared toward middle-schoolers. Student book and teacher book for less than $40 and can be scheduled to last one year or two. Depending on your beliefs, there might be a couple of lessons that you'd want to preview/edit/change due to the viewpoint presented (published by Apologia), but I don't think it will be a problem for us and we use mostly secular materials. We're just starting it after doing IEW's SWI and the ancient history theme book. Planning to try WWS after we finish Jump In.


From the website: "Easy, bite-sized lessons guide your student through the complexities of writing persuasion, exposition, description, and fiction. The text is incremental, the tone is student friendly, and the assignments are very achievable."


You can find it at Amazon or any of the big book stores online.

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