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How to best use/organize deep drawers in the kitchen?


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I have 2 big drawers in my kitchen: about 7" high, 24" wide, and 28" deep. What is the best way to use these?


Currently, I have one full of cereal boxes and other breakfast items, the other full of tupperware.


I'm pretty happy with my pots and pans where they are, and I think they are a bit bulky and numerous for the drawers anyway.


I'm not sure I'm using them in the best way??

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Since I have a pantry, I don't need to store food in my deep kitchen drawers. I have Tupperware in both of mine (or other plasticware). I have a gas cooktop, with two deep drawers under it; that's where I keep cookware that I would use on the cooktop (bakeware, cookie sheets, etc., are kept elsewhere).

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Do you live close to an IKEA? You can get some great inspiration in their showrooms!


No IKEA. *sobs quietly*


I would love to have something like that for baking supplies like big tubs of flour and sugar.

Or I would get some clear lidded tubs and put all the crackers and such in them.


Hmm, that's a thought. My flour/sugar/etc are currently on shelves; it might be a better use of space to flip those with the cereal. Hmm . . .

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