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Fav iphone apps (for school and not!)

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My dh just got me an iphone4S HIs wrok is now covering his plan so we had to drop our old phone plans....which resulted in me and my new phone.

However, I am kind of new to all this! What are your favorite apps? Free is the best....but other interesting ones will be good too!

So far I have the weather channel and Brainpop. Let's fill this thing up, ladies!




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We have many favorites in common with the 1000 or so threads already out there, but we have just discovered some new loves.


The Numbers League - Oh my word. Genius! Four player math game with super heroes?! Thank you! The game is fun and requires some pretty sophisticated dexterity with the operations! Math facts practice has never been so fun! And they can play together!


Math Doodles - puzzle fun


Endless ABC - fun spelling and vocabulary


ETA: whoops! These are on my iPad. Don't know if they will necessarily work on my iPhone (because it is full and needs to go on a diet! :lol:).

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