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1st Day Gluten Free.......


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...So far so good. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but after feeling horrible the last few days (really weeks/months), I finally decided I can't put it off anymore.


How long till you really start to notice that you're feeling better? Or is it a little bit each day?

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About three days for me. Honestly though, I really didn't feel comfortable crediting the improvements to the diet change for a good month or more. I wanted to be sure that it wasn't just a random improvement. But when my respiratory allergies and joint pains vanished after a month I felt pretty safe saying that the diet made the change.

Gut symptoms were calmed within days of the stopping gluten for me. I felt as if the sea had suddenly stopped pitching and rolling. It was wonderful.

I'm not celiac as far as I know. Just gluten sensitive or intolerant I presume. Never been tested.


My energy started to come back within about a month of being gluten free. I started to feel as though I could do something....which led me to exercise. So I think much of my overall health has been helped by the exercise as by the diet. But I really didn't have the energy to do anything at all before I went gluten free.


My mood it's hard to say. Those around me think that my mood was more stabile after a few weeks of going gluten free, and I'd have to concur. I know I felt less fly-apart after a week or two of being gluten free. My journal seems to bear that out.

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My primary symptom was constant nausea (over a year, with tests ruling out gallbladder and reflux), and it was a month before I no longer expected to be too sick to cook or stay up past 8:30pm (always worse at night). I have had gluten twice since. In addition to the digestive issues returning, each time my joint pain flared up and I ended up in bed sick, tired, and aching for a whole day. I didn't notice these things before I cut gluten, though.


DS3 also is gluten-free, and it was about three weeks before his stools became consistently "normal", his bloated belly went down, and he stopped sleeping with his knees drawn up to his tummy in pain.

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It took me 3 or 4 days to notice an improvement in my gut. It looked like I shrunk...and I didn't even realize I was bloated. : )


I did have terrible cravings around day 10 and again around week 3 or 4. It only lasted a short time...a few hours.


Now I am 7 weeks in, am sleeping better, have more energy, and feel better physically.


The trick for me is to be sure to have plenty of gf snacks to grab if I get the munchies. That way I am not tempted to grab something I shouldn't.

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It took me 3 or 4 days to notice an improvement in my gut. It looked like I shrunk...and I didn't even realize I was bloated. : )


I did have terrible cravings around day 10 and again around week 3 or 4. It only lasted a short time...a few hours.


Now I am 7 weeks in, am sleeping better, have more energy, and feel better physically.


The trick for me is to be sure to have plenty of gf snacks to grab if I get the munchies. That way I am not tempted to grab something I shouldn't.




Just wondering what snacks you've found that you like? I made home-made chex mix and I have some gluten free crackers but that's it so far.

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rice is definitely gluten free. the issue is some people want to go carb free or grain free instead. IMO going gluten free is a great step. If you feel good and think you might feel even better grain free, then make that decision. but dont let the fact that some people think grain free is healthier than gluten free scare you off from seeing if you would feel better going gluten free. take one step, kwim. eat rice lol

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