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TWTM Biology suggestions

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Anyone use TWTM suggestions for Biology? Did you use the Van Cleave book to pick out labs? I need to figure out a new plan of action for Biology. My oldest is absolutely loathing the text he is using. My second should be doing Biology soon, as he wants to study it in College. Neither will dissect things. The second is a vegetarian and I haven't really figured out how that is going to work for him. But, he is pretty darn stick it to you kind of a kid, so I figure he will show them what if and give them the what for :p.

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I don't know about WTM biology, but I know that for dissections there

are several computer software packages

that you can use. So your veg. kids who won't do dissections

can still get the learning they need and they don't have to harm any animals.

There are also some very realistic plasticky kits that look very professional.

They might be pricey, but you may be able to share the cost with a friend or

sell it after you are done with it.


Good luck and good for your kids!


(We are doing EZ Barron's Biology next summer--it will strictly be a get'r'done

class with no lab, so sorry I don't have good info on books for you.)

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Is it still Biology: A Self Teaching Guide?


I wasn't too impressed with that book. It seemed to be a lot of facts to memorize without much context. We went with the Thinkwell lectures supplemented with Campbell. Thinkwell was nice in that it was all laid out and we didn't have to think much. On the not so great side, you have to pay for it. Supposedly this would have been an AP course, but it didn't seem all that rigorous to us. (My daughter has not taken the AP test and likely won't, so we don't really know how good a prep it was for that.)


I tried the Van Cleave books for other sciences. They didn't really do much for me. They did even less for my kids. But that's us. Things might work different in your house.


I think there are a lot of non-majors bio college texts that would work for high school, if you're looking for something less rigorous.


You can do plenty of biology without a single dissection.


These seem to be virtual labs online:



and the recommended AP Bio labs:



I would guess there's a lot more on the web, given how quickly I found those 2.


What text are you using now?

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