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Are there any enjoyable High School level Science programs?

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You may have seen my Apologia rant. I was given several of their books. We enjoyed the younger levels. I have been using Biology for over a year now alongside VHSG. It isn't enjoyable. He can answer all the questions correctly. But, he used to enjoy science. I wish there was a multi-level Biology book I could adjust to each level in my house. It would be awesome.

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You need to define what you consider enjoyable.

My 15 y/o considered her very demanding calc based engineering physics course "enjoyable" and "fun".

I take great joy from a well-written textbook with clear, well designed examples and practice problems.

My son enjoys video lectures from the Teaching Company.

What makes a course "enjoyable" for YOU?

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Easy to follow and successful hands on experiments. Experiments that finish or start a chapter as a lab. Not random junky ones thrown in to make a point that interrupt the reading.


Video information. My children enjoy a good documentary and it helps cement information for all of us.


Clear, well done diagrams and graphics.


Supplemental books suggestions.


Some type of chapter test to make sure things sunk in. A list of topics to write about would be a bonus.

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I think I am getting burnt out on making up curriculum for my children. We have special needs that have come into play into the past. I did find a few posts on the BIO 101 DVD's and added those and some suggested books to my RR wishlist. Maybe we can do some of those over the next year. Maybe I can break them up and then add them to his Biology credit at the end of High School.


This child use to spend all his free time devouring science books and movies and documentaries from the library. He loved experiments and animals even though he has OCD tendencies with his hands and hates getting dirty or playing too hard.


If I could find a kit for biology types of labs that didn't dissect I might be able to pull it off.



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I am looking at Bridge Ardoin Science for my 9th graders next year. It looks doable. BJU Earth and Space has about done us in this year. It has killed our love of science as well.



I was hoping that Mr. Harmon for Physical Science (9th grade) would be fun. Maybe BJU Earth and Space was just an off year? I am a bit nervous now as my ds is really enjoying BJU Life Science this year and I am wondering if we should just skip over Earth and Space and go on to Physical Science for next year. What made this year's Earth and Space class so bad (isn't Mrs. Vick teaching it)? Maybe we should wait for the newest edition to come out on DVD??? I'd love to hear your perspective.





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I wish there was a multi-level Biology book I could adjust to each level in my house. It would be awesome.



I have contemplating trying to combine my dc one year by having my ds taking BJU Biology during the same year that my dd takes BJU Life Science, and then just have her participate in the Biology labs and I could get the labs done in one year for both dc. But I have a feeling that it wouldn't be acceptable on her transcript if she did Biology labs in middle school (during Life Science class), while the main Biology class was done in high school. Sigh... Looking ahead to high school, I really don't want to be trying to do Chemistry labs with my ds the same year that I am doing Biology labs with my dd (having already done Biology labs the year or two before with my other dc. My dc are two years apart, but my youngest is doing the same math as my ds (she will have completed Geometry before 9th grade), so I'd love to do some combining in high school science classes and labs.... it seems like it would be a lot more enjoyable for all of us that way.



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I was hoping that Mr. Harmon for Physical Science (9th grade) would be fun. Maybe BJU Earth and Space was just an off year? I am a bit nervous now as my ds is really enjoying BJU Life Science this year and I am wondering if we should just skip over Earth and Space and go on to Physical Science for next year. What made this year's Earth and Space class so bad (isn't Mrs. Vick teaching it)? Maybe we should wait for the newest edition to come out on DVD??? I'd love to hear your perspective.






First, we aren't using the DVD's. We did however purchase the investigations DVD. My boys are enjoying the reading, but the material is just not what we expected. It is by far the most difficult science curriculum we've done. It's been difficult to do the experiments, etc. It isn't nearly as homeschool friendly as ABeka Science. I don't really feel that ABeka is all that homeschool friendly either, really. We need a curriculum that will let us learn and not bog us down. The boys feel like they have to know every little part of the book and even then the test are awful. They have decent grades, but neither want to use BJU again.


I am seriously looking at Bridget Ardoin, Queens, and Biology 101.

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