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Science for my two?

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My older two have been doing the same work in most subjects for years. I'd like to keep it that way if I can. It's easier time-wise and less expensive. That said, I'm not sure what science I should do.


They have completed Apologia zoo1, zoo2, and zoo3. DD completed astronomy. DS already knew everything in the astronomy book, so he completed Astronomy: A Self-Study Guide instead. We also completed RS4K Chemistry 1 and most of Physics 1. We've done a little bit on weather and geology but not a lot. We're doing botany this year. We would have completed more science, but I didn't get my act together as science and history is concerned until later.


DD will be 9th grade next year. She is not a stem kid.


DS will be 7th grad next year. He is a stem kid. He especially loves astronomy.


Both will be taking algebra next year: DD with MUS and DS with AoPS.


I've considered either Apologia Physical Science or Apologia Biology as a text, hopefully adding in library books and a science fair project to make it more interesting.


I'm concerned about physical science boring. I'm pretty sure DD would hate it. DS will probably know everything in module 1 and 16 already and is likely to know portions of the rest.


I'm also concerned that if we do Biology, DS will have both biology and chemistry in middle school instead of high school. He'd probably fill high school with as much physics and astronomy as I can find. How will not having biology and chemistry in high school look to colleges?


DD would be interested in marine biology, but that says it is best for juniors and seniors who have already had biology.


They are both capable of completing higher level work despite the fact that we didn't complete middle school science. That was a choice we made based on interest rather than ability.



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First I want to assure you that middle school science does not impact high school level science. It is going to be taught as an introductory level regardless, so they are fine.


Second, as much as it will complicate your life and increase your costs, I would highly recommend not combining a STEM kid w/a non-STEM at the high school level or plan your sciences around your ds vs your dd.


Since they haven't completed alg, it does limit your options. I personally don't like Apologia. I have heard good things about Hewitt's conceptual physical science. http://www.amazon.com/Conceptual-Physical-Science-MasteringPhysics-Package/dp/0321752937


(You can find it cheaper!)


You could then have them take alg physics in 8th/10th, chemistry in 9th/11th, and biology in 10th/12th. That would leave your ds able to take higher levels of chem and physics in 11th and 12th.


I personally would not count a science from middle school unless a higher level was completed in high school. My ds has no interest in biology so spending 2 yrs on that would not have appealed to him and your kids can't take chemistry w/o algebra. But, if your ds wouldn't mind 2 yrs of bio, you could go that route this yr as long as you use a text like Apologia where chem first isn't really necessary.



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If you're willing to consider other options than Apologia, you could consider doing a year of earth science this year before biology next year. That's what we ended up doing with my then 8th and 9th graders. It was a last minute decision s I threw it together as we progressed. We spent about a quarter each on geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy. I checked out age appropriate books from the library for the kids. We did a bunch of projects from CKE earth science and Elemental Logic Earth Science (I'm not counting it as a lab for my high schooler). All the children wrote papers or narrations. It ended up being a good year. :coolgleamA:

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I'm working on coordinating sciences between my three oldest (two STEM, one non-STEM). It's not easy!


Just playing around with it a little, what about something like:

7th/9th: Biology

8th/10th: Chemistry

9th/11th: Physics

10th/12th: AP or advanced Biology for ds, Marine Biology for dd

11th: AP Chemistry

12th: AP Physics


Remember that your ds can complete more than one science course per year if he wants to. Adding astronomy to one of those years shouldn't be too hard for a motivated kid. :)

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Thank you for the ideas. I'll be mulling over them.


To answer a few comments/suggestions:


I failed to mention that DS has completed MUS Algebra. When we switched to AoPS, we went back to prealgeba.


I'd like to keep the kids in the same text where I can. If I can't, I'd like to stay with the same topic, like we did with astronomy. If neither of those are possible, that's fine too. I don't see any reason to split them up for biology and chemistry, for example. But when DS wants to get into physics and astronomy, I'd do something else for DD.


I really want to use Apologia as much as I can. We feel it was a mistake to let DS use Astronomy: A Self-Study Guide. The way evolution was presented messed with his faith too much. We'd like to get him more grounded before he has to deal with secular science again. He's just too impressionable still.


Joani, that could definitely work!

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