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Spatial awareness getting worse with OT?!

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DS has always had some issues with spatial awareness - annoying but not too awful.

He was dx a few months ago with midline issues and sensory processing, among other things. He has been in OT for a bit more than two months now.

HIs spatial awareness is getting so much worse!


He used to be decent with letter/word spacing when writing, but now struggles with spacing - not leaving near enough space.

Today, he kept walking under my feet while walking behind and beside me at the grocery store.

I cracked him in the head with my elbow because he standing right up against me at the check-out and I didn't realize it.

I fell over him once this morning when he walked up behind me and I didn't know it until I turned around and fell over him.

We were doing school in a long booth at a restaurant today and he kept inching over until he would be all but sitting in my lap. (He is left handed. His right elbow, every time, ended up being exactly in the center of MY body, though he had tons of room in the booth.)


Anyone have any experience with this?

I can't tell if he is just off in La-La Land (puberty? growing?) or if he is struggling with the OT sessions.

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Though a lot of OT's don't know much about spatial awareness, as their focus is with motor planning.

Also spatial awareness has 2 realms, internal and external.

Where an OT is more concerned with internal rather than external.

Though with your example of sitting in the booth, and his right elbow.

I would ask if the same thing occurs when he sits on the other side of you?

Also whether his 'walking under your feet', happens when he is on either side of you, or just when he is on your left side?

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