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Math on the level


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Hunter, we're done with our set if you are interested. Great condition, half price plus shipping. PM if you are interested.


Sorry, this curriculum is so overpriced, in my opinion. I personally wouldn't pay over $100.00 for it, and can't come up with even that right now. My curriculum budget is a LOT smaller than it was. Life threw me some curve balls this year, that I'm still reeling from.


I think we all benefit from having to tighten the curriculum belt at times. It makes us take another look at what is on our bookcase, and to use some creativity. All in all, this tightening up has been a growing experience for me, so I'm not complaining. :D


Thanks for the offer though! I hope someone else sees this offer and PMs you.


This is a curriculum that I think the author would make a LOT more money from, if she dropped the price. But what do I know? Maybe not. Without an extensive problem bank, it's not as enticing to ME as if it did come with prepared problems. I'd scramble to pay a LOT more, if there were 2 packed pages of problems, in teeny tiny text, for each lesson.

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hmm. you can not buy just one year? You have to buy the full thing?


Nope, it comes in a set. Which is unfortunate. I would love to buy Math on the Level but it is way out of my price range--- and I'm homeschooling 3 kids. Money is really tight here right now and I just have to be more creative with what we have.


I agree with Hunter, if the creator would drop the price I believe it would be a big seller among those who follow the Living Math method.

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Nope, it comes in a set. Which is unfortunate. I would love to buy Math on the Level but it is way out of my price range--- and I'm homeschooling 3 kids. Money is really tight here right now and I just have to be more creative with what we have.


I agree with Hunter, if the creator would drop the price I believe it would be a big seller among those who follow the Living Math method.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
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I have used this and if my life wasn't so hectic, if I didn't have 4 high maintenance kids and my elderly parents and 2 teenagers all living in my house, AND if I was more organized.

The reality of my life prevents me from using it.

I do not think it's overpriced at all though. 300 bucks for 8 years of math? That's less than 40.00 a year.

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I have used this and if my life wasn't so hectic, if I didn't have 4 high maintenance kids and my elderly parents and 2 teenagers all living in my house, AND if I was more organized.

The reality of my life prevents me from using it.

I do not think it's overpriced at all though. 300 bucks for 8 years of math? That's less than 40.00 a year.




That is a good point, but I would feel better trying something for a while before committing that kind of money. Even with Math Mammoth before buying the entire curriculum I tried out a level and I think that ended up being like 20.00/year through hs buyers co-op. A great deal but worthless if it wasn't going to fit our family.

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That is a good point, but I would feel better trying something for a while before committing that kind of money. Even with Math Mammoth before buying the entire curriculum I tried out a level and I think that ended up being like 20.00/year through hs buyers co-op. A great deal but worthless if it wasn't going to fit our family.



I think they have a 60 day guarantee. It's been awhile since I've been on the site so I could be wrong.

Also, they have a pretty activie Yahoo group and the author answers as many questions as possible.

I still have my set even though I'm not using it because I haven't accepted defeat yet. lol

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There are no problems, right? You still have to purchase more curricula that provides problems, and you have to individually seek out problems that match each and every individual lesson? That's not a complete 8 year curriculum. It looks like a math dictionary/handbook on steroids, from what I can see from the samples. If it came with extensive problem sets, I'd be all over this curriculum. If I'm wrong about this PLEASE correct me.


I've been looking at the math in the What Your _ Grader Needs to Know books and wondering if I can do the same thing with those lessons.

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