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When would flu sypmtoms set in if DH has it?


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DH arrived home from work saying he was cold (we are in FL and it was nearly 80 degrees today....far from cold). Usually when he says he's cold, he's coming down with something. Sure enough, an hour or two later I took his temp and it was 100.2. An hour later it was 101.4. He's been home from work for about three hours now. He doesn't have a head ache, or body aches, or coughing. Just the fever and some chills (but those have stopped....he always gets chills with a fever, no matter what it is from).


My question is when would the body aches and cough set in if it were the flu? He is currently quarantined to his recliner, the kids cannot go near him, and he's sleeping in the bed in the playroom tonight. Sorry dude LOL. I'm so worried about the flu spreading through our house.....I've been under a lot of stress. I can't do more stress right now. DD14 months and DD5 were sick last week. They each had a fever that lasted only about 12 hours. But it's been 5 days since they were finished with that....surely he couldn't have just come down with what they had. It's been too long.


So when would the body aches, headache, and cough follow the fever if it were the flu?

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In our family, a sore throat was the first symptom, followed very quickly by a fever, chills, body aches, and extreme fatigue. Also, I'm not an expert, but I would think it is possible that your dh could have what your dds had 5 days ago. I think I've read that some virus have an incubation period of up to 7 days. Again, I am not an expert.

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