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Conventions near Chicago? Wisconsin? Michigan? Indiana?

Harriet Vane

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I am trying to decide whether or not to go to a homeschool convention this year. I have enjoyed the Cincy convention several times and may go to that one again. I may try to find something closer to home. Or I may just skip it this year--at this point I have been homeschooling for so long that the offerings at the conventions are often not a good match for the stage we are currently in. I do find conventions a real encouragement, so am thinking through the possibilities.


Are there well-organized conventions driving distance from Chicago? I have driven in the past to Cincinnati, so driving is not an issue for a really well-run convention.


I am particularly interested in seminars that address junior high and high school.



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Iche.org (illinois christian home educators) it is just outside of Chicago the beginning of June. I live in north central Indiana and went to the iche last year. It was a nice sized convention and had lots of seminars on a variety of topics. There is also one in Fort Wayne Indiana, I think it's in April or may. I've never been to that one ough as the dates didn't work for me last year.

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