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PA-3rd grade testing

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I've used Seton for both dd's 3rd and 5th grade testing. I used the CAT, but now they offer several other tests as well. They sent the testing material directly to me, dd did the test, then I sent everything back to them and got the results just a couple weeks later. I turned in the results with her portfolio and had no issues at all.


ETA: We did the testing in February/March. I wanted to be sure I had the results back well before June.

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Thank you! This is just what I needed to know. I thought that perhaps someone other than me had to administer the test. Perhaps I was getting confused with the end of the year evaluator? What is that all about anyway and when we I need to worry about it?

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Yes, you need someone else other than a parent to administer the test. Around here, there are some groups that offer testing (and we can also use our local public school), but we prefer to use the online version of the CAT from Christian Liberty Press. All from our own home, the computer administers the test, not the parent, and it's really easy and painless. Just keep in mind that your third grader will take the same test as kids finishing fifth grade, so he/she may not know how to do everything on the test; that's expected, but tell your child not to panic.


I have to have my fifth grader tested this year, and I'll probably do it around March or April. I want her to have a bit more math first, since that was her weakest score on the test two years ago; I want to give her the best chance at doing really well that I can. My evaluator likes to do evaluations around April or early May, so I need to do the testing before that (but with the online test, I'll have the scores within minutes of DD finishing the test). Our evaluator sits down with DD and me for about an hour and looks through the portfolio, checking off (on her list) the subjects she sees. She asks DD about her favorite book from the year and other topics, but it's pretty easy and not a big deal. Our evaluator signs a statement that states that we have met the requirements of the law, and then I take that and the portfolio to the school district (and make them sign a receipt saying that they got it all). If I need a more in-depth thing, like suggestions about improvements or whatever, I can pay my evaluator a bit more, and she'll write her recommendations for me. I like our evaluator a lot, but she's also a good friend of mine, so she's familiar with my children and my educational philosophy; we are a good match in terms of philosophy. And talking to our friend is easier on DD than talking with a stranger (DD tends to worry about the evaluation as if she's going to be grilled).

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I have always ordered the CAt through Seton. Easy, cheap.


You can do ti anytime, buit I;'ve always done mine at the end of the school year.


You *can* get your evaluation if you don't havwe the results yet- I've even turned in a portfolio before I had the results- I just include a note that we're waitng on the results and will forward them as soon as they're available. But that's mainly because I'm a HUGe procrastinator and don;t really care about the tests. Seton has always had mine back in less than 2 weeks.


Anyone other than the parent can administer the test. It does not have to be done in a group setting or by anyone "official." (unless your test supplier specifies otherwise- the PA law only says it cannot be a parent.) Last year, my 7th grader gave the test to my 5th grader. In the past I arranged a day to "exchange moms" with a group of friends. I didn;t have the time or patience for that anymore. :leaving:


Again, the PA law doesn't specify when yuou have to do evaluations- but June 30 is the deadline for turning your paperwork into the school district. Evaluations can be in-septh assessments or they can follow the law only- and be brief and low stress. A group in SW PA even does them free on certain days as a ministry. PM me for more info.

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... Just keep in mind that your third grader will take the same test as kids finishing fifth grade, so he/she may not know how to do everything on the test; that's expected, but tell your child not to panic.


I was not aware of this. The test for both 3rd and 5th grade students is the same? Why?

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