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Please help me figure out the rest of my year


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Here's my scenario; we began our homeschooling year in the summer as we were expecting a baby in November, however, I had some complications that kept me busy w/ hospital appointments and was indced a month early so not a whole lot got done. I've been feeling the guilt about my kids education (or lack thereof) so I've tried to get things going despite being on a "break". We are starting up our school year again in earnest in January and I need to have a plan. I was using mostly CM methods and taking a very parent intensive approach. That isn't going to work. My baby has a lot of appointments, plus she will not be put down. I wear her in a sling most of the time, but I also have a 2 y/o who is feeling displaced so right now I am pretty much trying to survive the chaos!


So, I've signed up my 7 y/o wih time4learning and my 5 y/o with reading eggs. Both are enjoying their programs and I think I will need to rely heavily on them for the rest of the year as my visualization of schooling from the couch with the baby is not going to happen! Here is what I have in mind, please offer up your feedback


7 y/o ds

-Time4learning for LA core, supplemented with handwriting (my ds needs a lot of work in this area) and independent reading (and maybe WWE later on down the road).

-RightStart for math, using t4l for review/extra practice

-literature based socials and science when time allows, T4L and brainpop for when Mom is too busy (we have a free brainpop account).


5 y/o ds

-Reading Eggs for phonics, supplemented with handwriting and reading aloud

-RightStart Math

-tagging along w/ his brother for socials and science. I'm not particularly focussed on these topics for him at his age as he is naturally inquisitive and seems to be learning a lot through his own discoveries/interests.


What do you think? Is this enough to get us through K and 2nd grade? Will they get anything out of a plan like this? I worry about relying too heavily on the computer for school, but I really don't think I have a lot of choice given the way our life is at the moment. I'd love feedback :)

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I really like to use Story of the World cds for times like this. I print out the coloring pages. We listen to it, talk about it, and call it good. I agree that you should be doing a short phonics lesson with the K'er. 15 minutes should be more than enough. I haven't used RightStart Math, but if I'm remembering correctly it's teacher intensive. I would think about trying something like Math Mammoth for the remainder of the year. I like Math Mammoth, because I can print it, then we can take it anywhere with us.


Don't feel discouraged. There have been many times I've envisioned school from the couch holding a newborn, and it just rarely works out like that for me. This time will be different though, LOL.

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I concur with Math Mammoth or Excel Math, neither is teacher intensive. Also, Kumon workbooks (cutting, rhyming words, alphabet books) might help with fine motor and reading for K dc. Cuddle and read and snuggle and play and rest. Go with the flow, the rhythms of life will teach your children. You will get there! Parenting and homeschooling are marathon activities, not sprints. Take time for yourself.

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During baby years, we generally don't get much schooling done, and it has never harmed my 'big girls'. Enjoy the baby, and don't feel guilty or worried that they'll fall behind. I think the idea of focusing on math and learning to read/reading is a good one. I second the suggestion to use SOTW audio ~ brilliant idea. I'd also get other audio books that can be listened to during afternoon quiet time while coloring, building with blocks, playing with small/quiet toys (Lego, Playmobile, etc.).

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Thanks for the suggestions! I will look into SOTW, I am not pleased w/ our history program this year so it was something I was considering anyways. Audio CDs would be perfect!! I think I'll stick with RS math, I know it's teacher intensive but it is such a great fit w/ my boys, especially my oldest. :)

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I don't think you have to do another program, but I agree that most kids won't take off with reading from just doing Reading Eggs (or Starfall or anything computer based like that). Instead, I think they need that interaction where you're doing something with them - whether it's a curriculum like OPGTR or AAR or whether it's just sitting and reading together and practicing consistently.


But I also think not every 5 yo is ready to read. And if there's a few months without as much mom time, that these things eventually can come right just fine. It sounds like you've basically got a good plan for an overwhelmed time.

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