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Teachers Lounge 12-2-2012


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Welcome to the Lounge! Happy Thursday!


As you come in, wipe your feet and wash your hands.

And please pick up your complimentary cold & flu survival pack,

which includes an herbal drink, an electrolyte drink, instructions,

tissues, cough drops, and hand sanitizer. Because that's what's

needed at MY house!


3 out of 4 of us are coughing. One is probably not far behind!


What's the health status at your house?


Has sickness put the damper on any plans you may have had? We were supposed to go

to a friend's house for my daughter's second math tutoring session yesterday but I'm

pretty sure they didn't want us to SHARE.


Anyone lacking on sleep? Oh, me! Pick me! Debating whether to go back to bed and then

do my own studies or vice versa.


Talk to me! :coolgleamA:

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Just for the record, my dog is crazy! Okay, not really, but she loves it when you put water bottle caps in

another bottle and then put a lid on that one, then throw it on the floor. She'll either chase it around like

crazy or she'll take it to the stairwell landing and work 'til she gets the bottle open, one way or another.

That's what she's doing now.

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- wipes my feet and plops down on the nearest comfortable chair -


Where's the coffee? :drool5:


We are doing pretty good sin the sickness department. *knocks on wood* We were all pretty sick around Thanksgiving. I woke up a few days ago with a cough and stuffy nose but it hasn't gotten too bad.


We have to go to Christmas Eve program practice tonight, but the kids are all other homeschooled kids, so hopefully it won't be too germy. Friday we are going to a homeschool Christmas party at a friends house, so again... hopefully we won't be too germy. Sunday night we're supposed to have a PS friend sleep over at our house. Otherwise we are not leaving the house until Christmas as we're hoping to all stay healthy!


DD7 slept until 10 am this morning and told me that sleeping late is her favorite part of home school. :laugh: I just let her sleep, it's the last day before Christmas break... why sweat the small stuff!


I hope everyone is feeling well in time for the holidays!! :)

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I'll wave from a distance too! If I could, I'd put us in a germ-proof bubble from September thru March to avoid the majority of the sickies....but alas, that's probably a bit unrealistic! Instead, we try to avoid knowingly exposing ourselves to illnesses, especially this close to the holidays!


Hope you feel better!

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