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need open and go history & science for 9th grade....

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You don't specify if you want a science class with a lab. I am assuming that if you are doing 9th grade, you don't. One way we've done science is: Earth Science - 9th, Biology (w/lab) - 10th, Chemistry (w/lab) - 11th, Physics (w/lab) -12th. So if you just want something without a lab you could try one of these online courses in Earth Science. http://education-portal.com/articles/List_of_Free_Online_Earth_Science_Courses_and_Classes.html. To make sure this is credit worthy I'd do the following: make sure he watches all videos, and answers questions or any supplemental written work that comes with the course. Or you could just have him watch them, have a definite discussion period with your student and then perhaps have him work on one big project related to the field.


For history - again you could try free on line courses, or you could use your local library and see if they have Teaching Co. courses (or get one on sale in audio form; that's much cheaper). While we work through the lectures, my kids build a time line. They also have to write a paper on a topic from history. Lots of discussion. It all ads up to credit worthy.


I don't know CLE. But for me having a video to watch weekly or bi-weekly is pretty open and shut and then if we tie some kind of other work to that, like answering questions, or making a timeline + a paper, means very little planning on my part. My kids never learned well with workbooks anyway.


Hope this helps.

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My oldest uses AOP's LifePacs for history. She has really enjoyed them. Periodically, I've added writing assignments and whole books, but it is a stand alone program. I have considered, but not used AOP's science programs. I enjoy teaching science, so I wanted something different. We are surprisingly happy with Abeka's physical science. Do you have a used curriculum store nearby? If you can narrow down what you think you want to use, you can search online for used books. I've gotten some great deals at Amazon marketplace and Better World Books.

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DIVE sciences are quite open and go. There is a schedule and the student just does what is on it for each day. The labs are on the DVD if you need to not "do" labs. I wouldn't count it as a lab science if you don't do any of the labs, but it is open and go.


Open and go history would include My Father's World, Sonlight and Notgrass. I believe Oak Meadow also has a syllabus that makes their history open and go.


Open and go doesn't have to be workbooks unless you just want it to be.

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Pacworks has engaging open and go courses in American and world history, geography, and the sciences. Their science courses are thorough but not math-heavy. Another low cost option for sciences.is the VIrtualhomeschoolgroup.com. They offer free online self-paced classes coordinated with Apologia Science.

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