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Jury duty finished today...

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and I feel so sad about the verdict, but it had to be made. We were with the case two full days days and it was challenging to catch every little detail, take notes, etc. My head hurts from such intense focus over two days. I'm so glad I'm not a judge or a lawyer!!


The jury found the defendant guilty on three counts. It was nearly unanimous, yet we each felt a heavy sense of responsibility knowing that our decision was going to effect a man and his family for years to come.


I know I did the right thing with my votes, but I still feel so sad today. There was violence and drinking involved and a lot of testimony from people with messed up lives. My heart feels heavy for broken lives, homes and families anyway, so at the end of the day I feel even heavier hearted than before. This experience reminds me that I need to pray for my community more than I have been. Wow, the letdown I feel is harder than I imagined it would be.


I just needed to get this off my chest today. Thanks for giving me a safe place to share.




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Lucinda, I've been there! I too served on a two-day trial jury once (about five years ago) that was so intense. I came out of the courtroom after the verdict was read and burst into tears. So I just want to give a hug (((Lucinda))) and say take it easy for a little while. I think it took be about a week to get back into my groove.


I'm sorry for how you're feeling. In my case, we found the defendant not guilty on all counts but one (DUI being the one he was found guilty of). We didn't think he WAS "not guilty" necessarily, but the way a rule was written -- a rule by which we were supposed to form our decision -- we had to choose not guilty. I was glad he got off because the other guy was trying to fly free and HE wasn't "not guilty" either. But the defendant was a homeless drug addict and he DID need help -- I don't know how he did having gotten off. Did he go back to his old ways? I don't know. I looked for him after leaving the court room; wanted to talk to him. But I didn't find him.


Anyway, just wanted to comment that the way you feel is NORMAL. Please do take it easy for a time.

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The jury found the defendant guilty on three counts. It was nearly unanimous, yet we each felt a heavy sense of responsibility knowing that our decision was going to effect a man and his family for years to come.


I know I did the right thing with my votes, but I still feel so sad today.


:grouphug: for your heavy heart.


May I say, it wasn't your decision that is effecting his life. It is the consequences of *HIS* decisions that are effecting his life.



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:grouphug: for your heavy heart.


May I say, it wasn't your decision that is effecting his life. It is the consequences of *HIS* decisions that are effecting his life.




Yes, even when writing that particular phrase in my post I was aware that our decision was part of the consequences he'll be suffering from because of decisions that he, himself, made. Along with that because I am a believer I also realize that God loves him, faults and all, and wants to heal his life. I can't help but wonder if that adds to the burden I feel. I'll always remember his face and his name and I want to pray for him and his family just as much as I want to pray for the man that he hurt and damaged during his series of crimes.


Thanks friends. You are all awesome.





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It was nearly unanimous, yet we each felt a heavy sense of responsibility knowing that our decision was going to effect a man and his family for years to come.



I thought juries' decisions had to be unanimous. That's how we get a mistrial by hung jury -- they can't reach agreement. Is it maybe different in different jurisdictions?

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