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I feel surprisingly conflicted...


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Whoops, no. He's not dead, he's dying. He's going back to Cuba for another operation and asked his followers to elect his VP, Nicolas Maduro in case of new elections. Realistically, he is not going to serve out his term, he may not even make it to the inauguration.


In the US I'm a progressive, but I think the American left overlooks all of the truly awful effects Chavez' rule has had on Venezuela. Crime has exploded, PDVSA is unlikely to be able to support the economy going forward because of its politicization, inflation is raging, random categories of foodstuffs disappear from supermarkets for months on end because the government plays games with exchange controls and tax enforcement, relations with Colombia are often strained, etc. The rest of South America is moving forward both economically and socially and Venezuela is replaying the 60s. To be fair, the American right doesn't hate him because of these real policy decisions, they just dislike his over the top rhetoric and buddying up to the Castros.

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