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Post-Partum Weight Loss Challenge Week 3


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Alright here is the current info.


I was getting discouraged this week but it is good to see some progress, although I'm not always feeling it. I'd love to see my thighs go down a bit and be able to fit more comfortably into the size 10s, right now they are tight. Right now I'm thinking if I can get into 8s on Christmas I'll be doing very good.



1)chest 38/38.75/39.75/38.5-

2)belly 32/32.5/33.5/30

3) hips 40.5/41/40.75/38 -I'm having a hard time getting consistent measurement here

adding in :

4)thigh 24.75/22



Method- Food- I'm not officially counting anything but these are my general goals

1)No grains, no sugar(small amounts of medicinal dark chocolate :) )- I had grains 2 days

2) no drinking calories but lots of water! - had OJ one day otherwise good

3) No going hungry ever but no stuffing myself - meh, early in the week I wasn't very hungry and then had 2 days of starving and eating a ton

4) High fat (good fat)- still need more fat!


Method- Movement

1)daily kegels and mummy tummy exercises (I'll be starting the dvd when it arrives- I have a bit of diastasis I need to fix)

I did good early in the week and not so great the last few days.

2) walking at least 4x a week- not quite 2 wks pp, so I'll be starting slow(15 min or so) and see how it goes

I walked 2 x last week, hopefully weather will allow me today as well.

3)body weight exercises- squats and ? I'm looking at what I want to do- I cannot do pushups with the diastasis

I did squats one day and plan to today. I decided not to do the chair dips, I'll wait until I can do pushups. I will try to start the bootcamp this week, I was starting to feel not so good so decided I should back off and relax before I ended up with mastitis.


How's everyone else?


KellyGirl I didn't see your post last week, welcome! How was your week?

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Hey I am totally going to join you hear shortly if this overdue baby ever decides to grace us with her presence. I am not sure what your pre-pregnancy measurements where but I know mine! LOL. I am already stressing because my thighs and everything else swelled up the other night luckily the swelling comes and goes!


So here goes. I have not measured my chest recently but....


Pre-pregnancy 130lbs Now 173lbs

Belly 29in 42in

Hips 37in 39.5

Thighs 21in 24in

calves 14.5/15in 15.5in (not swollen right now LOL)

bicep 9.5/10in 10in


I am a celiac and cannot eat gluten and I plan on breast feeding so my diet will be:

Gluten Free and Dairy free

No alternative breads/baked goods. I will however, eat rice and gf oats as those are just part of my breakfast and dinner routines.


Apple juice and OJ are breakfast items I also enjoy. Other then that my liquid intake is water and water with propel powder in it which as no calories (Gatorade usually has gluten). I will also add in mothers milk tea if I can stand the taste.


I will also go back down to 5 small meals per day 2 of which will contain leafy greens (they are said to increase milk supply). I will also use the OLD weight watchers point system & checklists for water, fruits and veggie intake.


My workout plan is to start with 20min every other day on the treadmil for first two weeks and increase to 30 then 40 then 60min each for 2 week periods. I will also do some arm work with weights. Then when I hit 8 weeks post I am going to start my video workout routines. Jillian Micheals videos 3-4 days a week for strength and yoga training and cardio twice a week. Each video has three levels. I will do each level for 2 weeks. Then it is on to INSANITY! LOL. I ordered those then found out I was pregnant 2 weeks into it! So I will finish off my "get my body back" program with the 8 week insanity program. I was high risk so I have barely worked out and normally I am a runner and just enjoy fitness. I cannot wait to be able to do something again!


Good Luck on your goals... I look forward to joining you shortly!

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LOL, someone as neurotic as me! Yes, I do know my pre-pregnancy measurements! I cannot tolerate gluten either(suspected Celiac but I was too cheap to do testing) and do limited dairy. I've never had an issue with supply, so I've not worried about it too much but I do try to make sure I eat enough.


My numbers:



waist: 27.5 (26in before any kids)/ end of pregnancy 46/ now 32 in.

chest: 35 in/end of pregnancy/engorgement 42/ now 38

hips: 35 in/end of pregnancy 43/ now 40.5


I had hoped to be more active but it seems I was fighting off a cold and then my breasts were burning. Thankfully the pain has passed now after a few days of taking it easy and nursing like crazy. My dh and a couple of kids do have a cold but I'm hoping I can avoid it.


I see you are right at your due date, hopefully your dd makes an appearance very soon!

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Yea it drives my dh crazy but makes him happy at the same time.


Gosh I wish I had a 26 inch waist!!! I had my first at 21 and I wasn't even that small... then again I reached my smallest when I hit a size 2 when she was 4... I wonder if i will ever see those jeans again LOL...


I hope she does too! We just went down to the treadmill and I walked for an hour uphill lol she hasn't moved!

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Good luck hopefully labor is soon.


I don't care to be quite as small as I was. Dh prefers me curvier anyway. I want to be down to a ss 6 though,a bigger goal for me is getting back in shape. I put a lot fat on during my pregnancy. I gained about the same amount of weight as usual- 35 lbs- but as I was less active so I'm much flabbier.


We went for about a 40 min walk today and I did my squats- eating has been good.

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I still have about a month or so before I can start the challenge, but I can't wait to start getting back into shape! I'm not sure of my current weight because I don't step on a scale during pregnancy, but pre-pregnancy I already had about 20 lbs to lose.


And a 26" waist, I haven't seen that since college! I don't think I'll see it again, but getting back to something healthy will make me very happy.

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Soror, thanks for the welcome! You didn't see me the first week because I was late to the party. I'm having a hard time loving the new board format so I haven't been lurking as much as I usually do :tongue_smilie:


My goal was to lose 20 pounds (by Feb 4th), and it's been almost two weeks since I decided I really needed to do it. So far I've lost 7.5lbs.


I've cut calories significantly and haven't had anything chocolate (besides the diet shakes and bars) since I started. And I have been drinking lots and lots of water.


I'm still not getting the exercise I need. I haven't even been to the dojo much in the last couple of weeks because I've been sick and I'm nursing a shoulder injury.


So I'm happy with my willpower and my weight loss, but I know I need to motivate myself to move more.

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Dawn Your welcome to join in :)


Hi KellyGirl- I agree the new format is hard to get used to- That is AWESOME about the weight loss, color me jealous!!!!! It sounds like you'll meet your goal easily if you stay on track!!!


I'm feeling a bit ick today, a cold is settling in my house and perhaps I'm not going to miss it :( I did get my size 8s on today, now they are WAY too tight to wear in public or breathe in but it is a start!

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Well, I officially have a cold :(


I bought a scale last night. I haven't had a working one for a while(it went out a bit before my pregnancy), well it weighed but it would fluctuate by several lbs within seconds and I thought it was weighing light. It was. I also gained more than I thought I did, quite a bit more :( I've got 28 lbs to lose to get back to my normal range and at least 23 lbs until my "ok" range. I've never had this much to lose at nearly 1 month pp, even with ds when I gained 55lbs by 1 month pp I only had 15 lbs left. I am right at my heaviest non-pregnant weight and right at where I was at delivery with my last 2.


I'm starting a food journal. I want to exercise but the cold is working down into my chest so I think it best for healing if I refrain until it is passed, which is very hopefully soon. I can at least watch my eating more closely. I'm committing back to absolutely no dairy, it seems to work much better for me if I'm off. I'll be thinking today about a meal plan. I need something that gets enough calories for nursing (but not too much), plenty of low-carb/glycemic green veggies and is relatively easy for cooking.

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I am down 2 lbs vs. last week which is very odd since I was eating a LOT of Quality Street chocolates :drool5:

It isn't my fault - I didn't bring them into the house - a friend gave them to us and well......I didn't want to be rude.

I have never done body measurements and I don't think it would be motivating for me personally.

I had hoped to get the treadmill up & running but it is covered in hockey bags and bins of Christmas decorations ( i know, fine excuse...but it is true).

I did however manage to focus more on staying properly hydrated.....with water as opposed to coffee

Will check back in next week.

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I am down 2 lbs vs. last week which is very odd since I was eating a LOT of Quality Street chocolates :drool5:

It isn't my fault - I didn't bring them into the house - a friend gave them to us and well......I didn't want to be rude.

I have never done body measurements and I don't think it would be motivating for me personally.

I had hoped to get the treadmill up & running but it is covered in hockey bags and bins of Christmas decorations ( i know, fine excuse...but it is true).

I did however manage to focus more on staying properly hydrated.....with water as opposed to coffee

Will check back in next week.


Ya, congrats on the weight loss and the exercise!!!!


I have a hard time resisting chocolates as well!


I like watching the inches because there is a lot less of them than the lbs!!!


No exercise today, still not feeling very good. I'll be so glad when the illness is done and good and really hope that the baby manages to miss it. I'm leary to go out walking in the cold while hacking up a lung.

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