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finishing basic math? What to do before Pre alg? LOF Physics?


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My DD is almost finished with chalkdust basic math for 6th grade. We are not sure what life will hand us next year and if she will be in PS or still Home schooling. This causes us to shy away from starting the Chalkdust Prealgebra course. My DD is concerned she will get part way through it and then if she goes back to PS be bored the first part of Pre algebra.


My DD loves math ! She probably could have gone straight into pre algebra but I wanted to make sure she had a solid foundation before moving on. Working with word problems has been big for her these past months. That is about the only weakness she had. I do not want to stop math altogether. If we really stretch her math out she could have a lesson a week until February it seems a waste of time to drag it out.


I looked at LOF as they have interested me and found he recommends taking physics between basic math and Pre Algebra. Has anyone used LOF Physics? Is there a different route you would recommend math wise?

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LOF Physics hasn't been out too long, but I know a few here have used it, hopefully they will chime in. In general I think LOF is a great supplement for enriching understanding - she could do the LOF Pre-Algebra books, and see a lot of things she will *not* see in "regular" preAlgebra!


Or what about something like Zacarro's Challenge math? It would be a great enrichment/extension of her 6th grade math, and introduce some challenging topics without being a traditional pre-algebra program.

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Life of Fred just put out three books to be used between the elementary series and the Pre-Algebra books-- he is calling these the "Intermediate Series." You might want to take a peek at those, as well. I have not seen them yet personally, but he does have a great return policy.

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Thanks for the suggestions.

rroberts707 andmomto2Cs _ I have never heard of Zacarro's. I will check into it. I wondered if the physics would be ok now....


NittanyJen Thanks for info about the "intermediate Series" I must have missed that.


NittanyJen free is always nice. I will check that before the holidays while it will not cost me to see if it will work with DD. I am excited to find something we can continue the year with.

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