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would you stop this antibiotic? Nausea, diarrhea, one episode of vomitting...although

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I think the thought of taking the pills at all is making my son anxious enough to become nauseous.


Honestly- He. Is. Driving. Me. Crazy! This pill taking is so dramatic. Grrrr. Just swallow the darn pill already. [can you feel the compassion flowing from me?]


But the diarrhea is very real, and he did throw up in a parking lot today.


I can't reach the doctor until tomorrow and he has only had the Keflex in his system for two days. This was given for a weird infected cuticle that turned into an upper thigh infection. The leg is nearly normal now. I'm sure he will need to finish a course of antibiotics.


What do you think about skipping the rest of today and calling to get a new medicine tomorrow?



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I have the same problem when I take antibiotics(although I am fine with the swollowing pill part) The meds make me sick though. I have to take probiotics with antibiotics. Basically the antibiotics kill the good and bad bateria in your body. The killing of the good bateria can cause you trouble with your stomach. You can get probiotics in yogurt(although you do have to eat a lot of it) I take it iin a pill...but I am sure you don't want to hear that.

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Keflex, as I remember is a very potent antibiotic. which it sounds like he needed. I would just give him yogurt or acidophilus pills with the medicine. In addition to killing the bad germs, they also kill the good stuff in your gut. Allergic reactions to abx are usually skin rashes or anaphalactic shock.






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Definately have him keep taking it! Sounds like he had cellulitis? I had a ds with that a while ago and it was scary!!


I have a ds with an allergy to certain antibiotics and it's always difficulty breathing and an AWFUL skin rash. Diarrhea and vomitting is a normal reaction to certain antibiotics, I think. (Don't they say to take it with food? I think that's what I remember from my ds' bout with cellulitis.)


I hope all is well and you hear from the doctor early tomorrow!

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He definitely isn't allergic! He is just somewhat miserable in his tummy.


I just started him on Culturelle powder (dissolved in juice- NOT in pill form :rolleyes:)


Keflex IS potent. That is what I was wondering. If I should discontinue and ask the MD to perhaps give him something a little "gentler" on Monday.


Perhaps I'll just get it in suspension form and deal with just one bad side effect and skip the emotion and drama with having to swallow a pill.



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I took heavy duty antibiotics for 3 yrs and didn't have any problems, unless, I stopped my probiotics. I took Intestinal Care by Ethical Nutrients in powder form. It has acidophilus and bifidus and tastes sweet mixed with water. We call it sweet water here at our home. Have to take it at least 2 hours away from the antibiotics. I always took mine before bed.


Hope he feels better soon.

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When I had it 2 years ago, the alternative treatment if the antibiotics did not work was surgery to dig out all the infection. Thankfully, the antibiotics did work, but I need PT on my shoulder for 5 months afterwards before it got back to normal. And this was for cellulitus just above my elbow.


I would call the pharmacist and ask about this medicine and whether these reactions are considered too serious. However, barring something more like an allergic reaction, which is very serious, my inclination would be to have him keep taking this. He needs plenty of water, and also potassium (because of the 'runs'. Good sources of Potassium include potatoes and bananas.

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