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Dr. Hive - Eye issues


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DS hurt his eye on a toy truck over 45min ago. I wasn't in the room when he did it, so I really don't know what he did. I didn't even know it happened, until oldest DD asked him what happened to his eye. He wasn't complaining or anything, so I didn't really worry too much about it. He just walked over to me though and he looks like this (45+ min later):




He's walking around with his hand over his eye and it just won't stop watering. He isn't complaining at all though. Thoughts?

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I know when I scratched my cornea, the pain was unbelievable. So, if he's not in any pain, I wouldn't suspect that. Is there something in his eye?


No, he just insists that he hit it on his fire truck. If you ask him if it hurts, he'll say yes, but he's not complaining. He also has a pretty high pain tolerance, but I'm not sure it's THAT high if it hurts that bad. He's just holding his hand over that eye like a patch. If I ask him to uncover it he just says that he "can't stop blinking". He wants to rub it constantly. I've tried to stop him, but he has enough that it's looking puffy now.

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I've had enough eye issues, I simply don't take chances. I'd take him to get checked out. It may be he scratched the cornea - which will make it water. a scratch doesn't necessarily hurt that much, but is very irritating. it will heal, but can also get infected. (or not.)


keeping it closed can help it feel better, but that can be hard. the fact he's covering it indicates he thinks that helps it feel better.


eta: do NOT allow him to rub it, that will make things worse.

one of the reasons keeping it covered helps it feel better is because there is no change in light levels for the pupil to dialate or contract.

If you don't have any eye patches, take a kleenex, fold it to size, and use medical tape to tape it to cover his eye.

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When my son was that age we did get a scratch on the cornea. He was playing outside and we didn't know exactly what caused the injury. But it watered and was light sensitive. They did treat my son in office and then sent him home with a patch. His eye did look worse than your pictures though. I couldn't see a scratch but there was a lot more redness if I recall. I don't know if lesser scratches need treatment or not but I'd be inclined to think he might have a scratch.


ETA: Now that I think of it my son's eye didn't get better over time either like your son's appears to be doing.

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