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Post-Partum Weight Loss Challenge Week 2


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Alright Ladies, I'm posting this again this week. I didn't get any responses last week, although I know a few said they were interested, if there is no responses this week I'll be dropping this on the board and just continuing on my own.


Please join in if you are 2wks or 2 yrs post-partum, no matter your goals. I'm working on inches and size but you can do pounds, endurance, strength, healthy habits etc.


Here is my initial info and goals with updates in red:


Goals- 6wk Challenge Ending Jan 1st: (these may be ambitious but we'll see!)

Inches Lost


1)chest 38.75/39.75/38.5- This goes up and down depending on the day but seems to be trending downward- YA!

2)belly 32.5/33.5/30

3) hips 41/40.75/38 - I don't think I actually went up but rather a measurement difference. It seems this is going to be my trouble spot here.



Method- Food- I'm not officially counting anything but these are my general goals

1)No grains, no sugar(small amounts of medicinal dark chocolate :) )- No grains all week- a bit too much chocolate but I've been working on lowering it down!

2) no drinking calories but lots of water! Done!

3) No going hungry ever but no stuffing myself - Pretty good here, although at times I tended toward one side or the other, still working on figuring this out coming out of pregnancy and into nursing.

4) High fat (good fat)- I need more fat in my diet!!! Working on it!


Method- Movement

1)daily kegels and mummy tummy exercises (I'll be starting the dvd when it arrives- I have a bit of diastasis I need to fix)

I've been doing kegels and some mummy tummy exercises in the am before I get up. My dvd just arrived yesterday evening so I plan to preview today and start tomorrow, along with wearing the splint! I'm very optimistic that with the splint and dvd that my progress will be even faster with my tummy getting back to normal. I can already see a big difference after this pregnancy since I've been more consistent with the exercises. I've got about 5 in. until I reach my pre-pregnancy waist!

2) walking at least 4x a week- not quite 2 wks pp, so I'll be starting slow(15 min or so) and see how it goes

I managed to walk 2x, Fri and Sat and plan today as well. I did 15 min each time, my endurance isn't much but it felt good to get out. I wanted to get out earlier in the week but w/ dh heading back to work Tues and starting back with school and all the household stuff I found it hard to get it in, I'm going to try and think on the schedule today and figure out when would be best to do this. I hope to be able to walk daily.

3)body weight exercises- squats and ? I'm looking at what I want to do- I cannot do pushups with the diastasis

I started the 200 squat program, and 150 dips program. I have a Post-Natal Boot Camp Dvd I hope to start this week as well. It has a 12 week program that starts very slow, iirc about 10 min or so for the first workouts up to 30 or so. I'll play it by ear and see how it goes.


Overall I'm pleased with my progress. My recovery has been a breeze this time compared to last time, which makes things much easier.

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WOW! Good for you. :hurray:

I am 6W PP and thinking I need to get off my butt and start getting on the treadmill.

My issue is that it doesn't seem to matter what I do - I don't drop the last 20lbs until I stop breastfeeding. Go figure.

I've been fortunate in the past that I've always been able to lose the weight - I just have to wait. I'm a little worried this time since I am (gulp) 40 now and I hear that it is harder to lose the weight as you get older.......

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Heya. Ladies-congrats Natasha-;that's awesome that you've lost your pregnancy weight! Good luck on your goal!! What have you been doing so far? I would be thrilled to lose about 15 by Feb.


Ttba- I get anxious everytime but it just pushes me to work harder. Maybe this time it will be easier- Ithink I'm slimming faster this time but perhaps I'm being optimistic!! Do you have any specific goals or plan?

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I'm 9 months PP... still have 25 pounds of pregnancy weight to lose :glare:

My LO is not sleeping through the night and nurses 3 times per day and 1-4 times per night. I'm trying to cut out his nightfeeds. He has been completely erratic since we moved 3 months ago.

Just went to goodwill and bought size 14 pants cause I'm sick of only having maternity pants (though I do have one pair I love and am keeping as they don't look like maternity!) I'm not setting specific goals because I'm always disappointed but I do want to lose weight and slim down (love to be at prepregnancy weight by his 1 year birthday but we'll see).

I'm eating a LCHF diet. Just decided to lower my carbs as my molasses-like weight loss stopped. I do feel that since my baby is largely on a solid food diet I can lower the carbs more. I have yet to find the time to workout. I already feel so much pressure of taking care of all of the children, keeping the house from looking like a pig's sty, AND homeschooling (we're only in K but trying to maintain a schedule now). Plus, I'm just downright tired. I could go for a walk, but taking a 3 yo and 5 yo isn't the most aerobic. I do have a power sculpt dvd that I do occasionally but need to start doing consistently. I hope lowering my carbs and keeping the calories low I can get the scale moving!

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Its mostly been nursing and chasing two others around the house lol. That and I was never able to really relax after we got home even though I had a csection. My DH was back at work a week PP and church, scouts and life just kept going. Now that I have been released I am going to start walking regularly.

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saranham- Welcome! I went at 1 week pp to Goodwill to buy some pants :) I told dh once I'm not pregnant I don't want to wear pregnancy clothes anymore!!!! Fwiw I have a 5 and a 3 yo that I walk with as well and a lot of times they run, I set the pace and then they keep up with me. It isn't heavy strenuous but at my current fitness level it is a start. If I can get an insert in the Ergo I'll just wear the baby and have the stroller for when the 3yo tires out(she just turned 3). I'm not walking very long yet though. Before pregnancy we would walk very often though.


I went pretty low carb after #3(I stayed fairly low throughout), I was at about 30-50 grams total(not subtracting fiber) and that was from early on pp, I never had any issue. I would say as long as you eat enough, drink enough, and go down slowly you should be fine(and watch how you feel and your supply- I've always exclusively nursed and had oodles of milk). I'm at about 100g right now and feeling pretty good right there.


Natasha- I hear you about life, with other kids it makes it definitely more challenging! Dh had off 12 days here and I tried my best to lay around as much as possible the first week so I'd be ready to go after he went back, thankfully I've felt really good though.


Good news here, I tried on some size 10 pants and I can wear them! I bought them at 6 days post partum and I couldn't zip them at all, at 11 days pp I could zip them but couldn't breathe :), and today at 18 day pp I can zip them and breathe (although they are still a bit tight they are wearable). My size 6 only come half way up my thighs still but I'm hoping I can wear them by Christmas!

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I'm wondering if you ladies have anything special you do for motivation? I've been reading pp weight loss stories. I have a real-life friend that is working on losing weight and I'm hoping we can motivate each other. She's lost 50 lbs already and is working on losing 50 more.

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Hmmm...no specific weight loss goal in mind. That would be an exercise (no pun intended) in futility at this point.

I think I will start small and just try to get on the treadmill every other day. I know if I say every day - it just won't happen.

I am living in yoga pants these days - which I don't mind. I donated all of my post-pregnancy stuff after #4 so I don't have any of that stuff left and I cringe at the thought of going to buy bigger sizes just to have them for a year.

I still have 25 lbs to lose to get into my regular clothes. I tried to get my regular jeans on the other day (size 6) just to see and there is NO WAY I could get them on.


So how far should I run (jog really) on the treadmill? 2 miles to start?

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I'd just try walking first myself but you can see how you feel (I know I'm sure not up to running anywhere right now but I didn't stay in very good shape this pregnancy!). I think exercising every other day is a great goal! I never did walk yesterday, the in-laws took the kids in the afternoon and I just relaxed- it was my first break since dh went back to work Tues (he didn't have a day off this week).


Do you have some thrift stores around for clothes? We have Goodwill and a local store and you can find pants for $3 or less a pair there, it really helps me to be in real clothes! I don't feel guilty with buying them when they are that cheap!

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I went soon after the baby to a thrift store as well. Never really wore those pants, didn't fit well at all so I'm glad they weren't expensive. I shop second hand for a lot of my regular sizes too. :) Walked 1 mile today and doing very well eating the past two days! Just got to stick with it! I do hope to lose 10 pounds by the end of the year.

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Great job on the walking and good eating!


I took a short walk yesterday as well, 15 min, no walk today though as it is supposed to rain all day. I'm feeling a bit icky and hoping I'm not trying to catch a cold. I did overdo it a bit yesterday working around the house. I did some of my new exercises and wore the splint some yesterday and have had it on for awhile today, I'm trying to build up to all day. I was hoping to do my workout video today but not if I'm not feeling better.

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That is awesome! The weight is melting off of you. You must be thrilled.


My belly measured .5 in smaller this am, but I don't consider it down until a few days at a newer number. I talked to my friend about being weight loss partners and she was excited about it. She said I could borrow her scale since mine isn't working but now I'm scared to know! At least I can see the inches going down. I'm back in my regular shirts which is very nice, although they are still a bit tighter than usual they. are wearable

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Thanks Saranharm- still feeling a bit ick but not totally horrible. Hopefully you feel better soon!


I think I will wait until next week to start the exercise video and hopefully I'm feeling better then. I did one full set of my mummy tummy exercises, hopefully I'll get in all 3 sets today and a walk, along with squats. Eating is going well, cravings are getting less and less. I made the family peppermint bark and didn't eat any :)

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I'm 15 months postpartum with baby #5, and I lost all the weight and then gained it back. That has happened to me with the last couple of babies. It's like my body likes the 9 months pregnant weight (which gets higher with each baby). I think I'm finally at a point where I can physically and emotionally handle loosing weight, and some accountability would be helpful. I actually started a week ago.


My goal is to loose 20 pounds by February 4.


My method is a Slim-fast sort of diet, but I'm not particularly brand loyal. I really want to cut calories significantly, stop drinking my calories (except for my morning hot chocolate), and lay off the candy bars.


I go to karate 2 or 3 times a week, but I know I need more cardio. I'm still trying to figure out how to get that into my schedule.

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