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Pat Robertson denies Young Earth, admits dinos predate humans?!?


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I found it interesting that in the VP Omnibus book, one of their questions (under Objections) is, "Isn't your view just an attempt to force the conclusions of modern science into the biblical text?" One could rephrase that question and pose it right back at YEC...I do believe it is true that one's opinion of the creation of the world and assumptions about time-frame color the way one views science...but I find hard-core, blanket acceptance of either abiogenesis or a literal 7-day creation to be equally handicapping in our understanding of the history and development of the earth. God doesn't fit in a box, and neither does His creation. The false dichotomy, to which Mrs. Mungo refers, IMO actually hinders scientific revelation/knowledge/understanding and only serves to create division especially among Christians (a tool which, according to the Bible, belongs to Satan...)

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Well, considering he also says a man should move to an Islamic country so he can beat his un-submissive wife, and he says that we can divorce someone with Alzheimer's because it isn't the same person anyway........I pay very little attention to what he says overall! He is losing it.

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Well, considering he also says a man should move to an Islamic country so he can beat his un-submissive wife, and he says that we can divorce someone with Alzheimer's because it isn't the same person anyway........I pay very little attention to what he says overall! He is losing it.



He does really need to step down. There is more than enough thought out there that he is losing his cognitive abilities. Someone really needs to step in and stop the bleeding.



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