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How do you serve when you are struggling to get by yourself?


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I've been trying to come up with ways our family can serve others this season. Everything I come up with has some kind of cost associated with it. We could not even do shoe boxes this year because there was no extra money. Heck, I don't even know how I'm going to do Christmas for my own kids...

I thought about helping at the homeless shelter, but they have a ton of volunteers during the holidays. Maybe I'm just not thinking outside of the box enough right now.

Do you all have any ideas? I'm so tired of focusing on what we don't have and our struggles. I want to focus on others for awhile.

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Go visit an old folks home. Many of those seniors will have no family visiting them this holiday and would love to have someone to just talk to, see young children etc. You could even sing carols there. We did a "talent" show once with the daycare kids at the seniors center. We made paper lilies to hand out. Each kid traced their hand on white paper and we taped it wrapped around the end of a straw and then curled the fingers down with a pencil to be the petals. You could do it in other colors. Or have the kids color coffee filters with crayola or other washable markers and then spray with water. The colors will spread and blend, then either bunch in center and tie with a pipe cleaner to be a flower or accordion fold and clip in middle with clothes pin and it can be a butterfly. You can have the kids give those out as little gifts as you go around singing and talking with the seniors.

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