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SOTW for older kids?


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I have been using sotw for my elementary kids. I feel like there is so much good info in the books and activity books that they could be used for junior or even senior high. When I started sotw I thought they would be read in a loop for 12 years so that kids learn about ancient history once every four years, middle ages once every four years, etc. However, just now I was reading that they are meant for elementary school ages. Can you tell me how you use this curriculum? I feel like my kids could actually go through these volumes several times at different ages and keep getting more out of it.

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We used them for the first time in the middle school years. My DD loved them especially the audio CDs. She continued listening to them in high school. She said they gave her a great foundation for future study at a higher level when we used high school and college text. I think using them over and over depends on the student.

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We have continued to use them with SL and they have worked well there. We have never done the 20th century before in detail so a good introduction to the time period. We have recently gone off the SL schedule for this time period. Dh is retired military and we now live in Europe. This part of history required being older for my dc's -- they learn enough of it in daily life. DS12 is not a history fan. Honestly has very little interest so keeping him engaged in any sort of a timeline is a challenge. The readings are short and make a good springboard. Usually something is mentioned that he does find interesting. This is where we pick up the kindle fire and start learning more. I always google youtube videos and watch a couple at the end to cement the topic in his brain. One seriously good one (discovery channel etc) and one obviously silly (ap world history classes seem to provide a great number of these)

. I like it for this age.

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That's a pretty common disagreement on this board. :001_smile: Personally I wouldn't use them a second time on the same kids, or with upper logic stage kids. My kids had outgrown them by fifth grade and were offended by them by sixth grade, even though they loved them as grammar stage kids.


There are oodles of more age appropriate spines out there, such as the Genevieve Foster World of ________ books (similar format as SOTW), Human Odyssey, and more.

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