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Gym moms - Where do you buy Rx goggles? (Inexpensively)

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My dd8 has been doing practices/meets without her glasses since her Rx isn't that bad(nearsighted) but over the last year it has gotten worse and I'd like to find her some sport safe goggles. Any of your dc need eyewear and where do you get them?? Her Eye Dr. wants $225 for a pair she's not thrilled with due to the velcro closure. Her hair would get stuck like mad!!

Thanks in advance!


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Our gymnastic child is a little older (she is twelve). In her case she got contacts at ten and that has worked out well. She also has much better depth perception, 3D vision, and just spatial sense with her contacts than with glasses. I like to think all of that keeps her a little safer. Since she is competing a bar routine with both a Tkatchev and Jaegar (which her coach assures me are well done and as safe as L10 single rail releases can be) I feel she needs any safety points she can get. Would contacts be an option (even if only for in the gym at this age)?

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Contacts are much better. DS1 played baseball in Rec-specs (http://www.sporteyes.com/recspecs.htm) that I got at Pearl Vision. But when he switched to contacts it was all so much better. The doctor agreed to let us bypass the rule that the kids must be able to put the contacts in themselves. I put his in each day.

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Thanks for the replies (and the link)! She just turned 9 a few weeks ago so I wasn't thinking that contacts would be an option yet. I will check into that. I really didn't want to pay $225 for goggles she only wears 9 hours a week, with a Rx that will change rapidly and for a sport I'm not sure how long she will be in. =D

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Thanks for the replies (and the link)! She just turned 9 a few weeks ago so I wasn't thinking that contacts would be an option yet. I will check into that. I really didn't want to pay $225 for goggles she only wears 9 hours a week, with a Rx that will change rapidly and for a sport I'm not sure how long she will be in. =D



Talk to your ophthalmologist about trying contacts. Our daughter was about sixteen months older than your daughter is now when she got contacts. She was capable of putting them in, taking them out, and caring for them without problems. I did supervise a little at first but she was doing fine so I stepped back.

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Thanks for the replies (and the link)! She just turned 9 a few weeks ago so I wasn't thinking that contacts would be an option yet. I will check into that. I really didn't want to pay $225 for goggles she only wears 9 hours a week, with a Rx that will change rapidly and for a sport I'm not sure how long she will be in. =D


Our son got his contact when he turned nine. The sports goggles were a problem with his prescription. He needs a special thick lens for his prescription, and it was so thick they had a hard time getting it to stay in the Recs frames. I had to take them back *three times* to have the special lens remade, which took a week each time, before they got a lens beveled just right to stay in the frames without popping out. He would play games knowing that his glasses lens was going to pop out at any time. And I made six extra round trips to and from the shop before they got it right. I was dreading the next prescription change and having to start all over. Everything is soooooo much easier with the contact !

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At what level will dd not be able to use her glasses during practices/competitions any longer?


Right now, my daughter simply wears her glasses. I think she'll be able to do so next year as a level 4 also (the most powerful move in competition is a roundoff backhandspring...well, though they are changing things up). Anyway, her eyes aren't too bad so I thought going without may be an option. She's way too young (7 in Dec) for contacts.


However, Twinna will HAVE to have eyewear regardless. But she's just starting and her goal is level 2 this time next year. So we probaby have some time.

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Talk to your ophthalmologist about trying contacts. Our daughter was about sixteen months older than your daughter is now when she got contacts. She was capable of putting them in, taking them out, and caring for them without problems. I did supervise a little at first but she was doing fine so I stepped back.



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We used a sport strap for my daughter. It only cost a couple of dollars. We didn't feel she was ready for the responsibility of contacts. She was allowed to compete with them.


Thanks! I will pick one up to use until we figure out what we are going to do. At this point I think her glasses would stay on without it but what if they didn't? lol

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At what level will dd not be able to use her glasses during practices/competitions any longer?


Right now, my daughter simply wears her glasses. I think she'll be able to do so next year as a level 4 also (the most powerful move in competition is a roundoff backhandspring...well, though they are changing things up). Anyway, her eyes aren't too bad so I thought going without may be an option. She's way too young (7 in Dec) for contacts.


However, Twinna will HAVE to have eyewear regardless. But she's just starting and her goal is level 2 this time next year. So we probaby have some time.


I don't know actually, I'll have to ask her coach! She's a level 5 and I've only ever seen 1 or 2 girls tops at a meet wearing anykind of eyewear and they had goggles. Thanks for taking the time to reply.. Good luck to your girls with their goals=D

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At what level will dd not be able to use her glasses during practices/competitions any longer?



I think if she can secure the glasses well and doesn't have problems with the spatial aspects she can really wear glasses all the way through. Our daughter did point out that her heroine Kamerin Moore was competing elite with her glasses a few years ago so it must work for some girls. Our daughter really felt she could see better with her contacts (especially for bars) and she never really felt that her glasses were secure enough. It is also possible that Kamerin is just really good at doing what needs to be done because she wasn't wearing glasses at L10 nationals this year and I presume she has moved onto contacts.


Good Luck!

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I think if she can secure the glasses well and doesn't have problems with the spatial aspects she can really wear glasses all the way through. Our daughter did point out that her heroine Kamerin Moore was competing elite with her glasses a few years ago so it must work for some girls. Our daughter really felt she could see better with her contacts (especially for bars) and she never really felt that her glasses were secure enough. It is also possible that Kamerin is just really good at doing what needs to be done because she wasn't wearing glasses at L10 nationals this year and I presume she has moved onto contacts.


Good Luck!


Thank you for your reply... My husband is for just wearing her glasses too. I'll hunt up some Youtube videos of Kamerin for my dd too=D

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Thanks for the information.

I feel like we know NOTHING. I figure that is because we've been doing this such a short time (started in spring).

One day maybe we will figure a few things out and be able to be some help to someone else.

Right now, I feel tangled in the sheets :)


LOL There is a lot isn't there.. My dd has been on team for 3 years (including her pre-team time) and I'm just now starting to figure out what the moves are called.. let alone what deductions are for what!! Some moms know almost to the tenth about scoring and stuff but I figure the less I know the calmer I'll be.. =D If she's happy and doesn't get hurt.. we're good!

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We ordered sports goggles for my son through Zenni.com for $30-$40. He has a heavy Rx, and we were very happy with the prescription quality--so much so that we have since ordered some regular glasses from them as well. Just check carefully for nosepiece padding, but for the high quality, this is the best price I have found anywhere.


DS11 needs them for karate and fencing, and is nowhere near ready to manage contact lenses yet.



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I have a gymnast daughter, but for right now her eyes are fine :)

I do however have a football playing and wrestling son who needed glasses at 8. (He's 9 now). After laying down $ for glasses, I looked at the recspecs for sports. They were very expensive and daily contacts were far cheaper for no more than what he'd wear them. I also have seen other kids always having issues with their sports glasses getting off center while playing, needing constant adjusting, etc. they also didn't look very wrestling friendly, which my son needed to see to know what the ref was signaling.


My neighbor is our eye doctor, so I asked him without too much fear of being laughed at for thinking an 8 year old could handle them. :). He said the youngest he had done was 9 or 10, but if I wanted to try, he would be fine with that. We did try two different kinds since he didn't like the first trial pair how they fit. But that being said, he loves them for sport. We got him daily lenses, while a little more expensive, we've had a 90 day supply and are only half way through it after half a wrestling season and a whole football season. A couple days a week doesn't add up quite so fast and he doesn't wear them at wrestling practice, only tournaments. They are also less hassle for care and cleaning. If he loses one during the game, no big deal.


I did put them in for him at first, but he has successfully gotten them in himself a few times (his fingers aren't very long and flexible so he has issues getting his hand turned the right way, but he hasn't had much practice either).

Hope that helps some!

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I have a gymnast daughter, but for right now her eyes are fine :)I do however have a football playing and wrestling son who needed glasses at 8. (He's 9 now). After laying down $ for glasses, I looked at the recspecs for sports. They were very expensive and daily contacts were far cheaper for no more than what he'd wear them. I also have seen other kids always having issues with their sports glasses getting off center while playing, needing constant adjusting, etc. they also didn't look very wrestling friendly, which my son needed to see to know what the ref was signaling.My neighbor is our eye doctor, so I asked him without too much fear of being laughed at for thinking an 8 year old could handle them. :). He said the youngest he had done was 9 or 10, but if I wanted to try, he would be fine with that. We did try two different kinds since he didn't like the first trial pair how they fit. But that being said, he loves them for sport. We got him daily lenses, while a little more expensive, we've had a 90 day supply and are only half way through it after half a wrestling season and a whole football season. A couple days a week doesn't add up quite so fast and he doesn't wear them at wrestling practice, only tournaments. They are also less hassle for care and cleaning. If he loses one during the game, no big deal.I did put them in for him at first, but he has successfully gotten them in himself a few times (his fingers aren't very long and flexible so he has issues getting his hand turned the right way, but he hasn't had much practice either).Hope that helps some!
Thank you.. and thank you to your neighbor too. =D
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We ordered sports goggles for my son through Zenni.com for $30-$40. He has a heavy Rx, and we were very happy with the prescription quality--so much so that we have since ordered some regular glasses from them as well. Just check carefully for nosepiece padding, but for the high quality, this is the best price I have found anywhere.


DS11 needs them for karate and fencing, and is nowhere near ready to manage contact lenses yet.


Thank you.. I'll pop over there and take a look at what they have.

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