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Bookikeeping/Accounting job advice?

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I'm looking for a way to supplement my current income, and possibly as a job to switch to in order to really secure things for my retirement. In other words - I may be interested in doing some bookkeeping on the side, but if a great job with benefits came up that looked like there'd be some challenge to it, I would be willing to go full time.


I have a BA in English. I took Accounting 150 (a basic accounting overview) at the local CC a couple of years ago. I do my own (very complicated) taxes. I'm analytical, sharp, and can handle the math.


1. How can I get from here to bookkeeping most efficiently - making a minimum of $20./hr?


2. What would I need to land a "better" bookkeeping/accounting position? I.E., something with a salary of $50,000 or more?


I know this is vague, and it's regional, etc., but any advice is appreciated. I found out that Sage Simply Accounting has two online classes it offers for certification in Simply Accounting. I think many companies here is BC use Simply Accounting. Is that enough to get started, or should I do something else?



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My husband is a CPA though in the US. I asked him to respond anyway though he kept saying US stuff might not apply to BC. His reply:


If you want to strike out on your own you could just say what your skill set is, what training you are obtaining, your experience, etc. and offer bookkeeping or similar services. In the US you have to have a license (CPA for example) to represent a client or prepare financial information. You don't have to have a license though to do general bookkeeping or some other specialized accounting work. CPA's are expensive so there is a market for non-CPA accounting work.


Having that software training would probably help attract employers and clients both if it's widely used in your area. Sometimes you can find a company willing to do on the job training to build on your existing skills.


I'm thinking It would be a networking situation to build a client base or find a suitable employer perhaps wanting to contract bookkeeping work that wouldn't require a CPA license. I can't speak to the potential earnings because the US might be very different in that area.

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