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French for a six year old

Guest Eeere

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Guest Eeere

Can anyone recommend or give feedback on french programs for a six year old (would be going into Gr. 1)?


I have some French but very little confidence speaking and even less teaching!


Thanks very much!

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The Easy French Jr. is sweet for this age. It's has enjoyable activities and all the conversational stuff is recorded on cd, meaning you don't need to be able to speak it to teach it.


I'll ditto this - we are enjoying it here.

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The Easy French Jr. is sweet for this age. It's has enjoyable activities and all the conversational stuff is recorded on cd, meaning you don't need to be able to speak it to teach it.


How secular / non-secular is this program? I have looked it over some and I noticed the scripture memorization. Is there anything else I missed? Would it be easy to drop the non-secular parts?

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How secular / non-secular is this program? I have looked it over some and I noticed the scripture memorization. Is there anything else I missed? Would it be easy to drop the non-secular parts?


There is no Scripture memorization as far as I can tell in the Junior level, though I believe there is in the next levels. I flipped through my book just now and didn't see anything religious (but this is the Junior level - I couldn't tell you about the other levels).

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The Easy French Jr. is sweet for this age. It's has enjoyable activities and all the conversational stuff is recorded on cd, meaning you don't need to be able to speak it to teach it.


Yes, I definitely recommend The Easy French Jr. It makes French easy to learn and gives them the tools to use French in their everyday lives. I only got partway through last year with my (then) 5 and 7 year olds, but they loved their French lessons and I loved seeing them carry over what they had learned to the rest of the day.


TEF teaches from a Charlotte Mason philosophy and is very age appropriate and child friendly while still respecting the child's ability to learn. I can't wait to get back into it when we start back to school.

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