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If I thought HOD Bigger Hearts for his Glory was a waste of Time Should I try again?


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I thought the read alouds were ok but the projects she puts with them were not always good. Some were great and some were just I don't know think up a project to say you did one? I don't know. I do not enjoy one small square books.. The pictures are beautiful but so many times we couldn't identify the pictures of animals and plants because they were not labeled or indexed that I could find.

So, I am done with that but, I love the concept of everything scheduled in small lessons covering all subjects.

I would have 2 kids ready for Creation to Christ next year and from what I have seen (in person) it looks good but I hate to buy it and be disappointed again. FTR the 2 children are both good readers but they don't read for fun much. They do their school reading and enjoy it but don't read a whole lot on their own so is the reading all done on their own or do I do a lot of it? Sorry for all the questions. I just don't know... :) Thank you in advance!

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No. Just don't.


I don't know whether to :lol: or make the :glare: face.




Some people who don't like any of those lower guides really love those higher ones. It could go either way for you - when you say you saw it in person, did you actually read through a good portion of the guide? Without reading through it (even better, some of the books scheduled as well), I wouldn't risk it.

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Well, you can see from my siggy line that we love HOD here. BUT, I do skip the lame projects for the same reasons you mentioned. We've run into many that I just think are a waste of time. Some that I think are silly, my kids really like . . . that's always slightly disturbing :)


Bigger vs. Creation to Christ: There is much more historical and Biblical content in CTC. It is a very meaty program compared to Bigger so if it was light content that bothered you in Bigger that probably won't be an issue in CTC. The Small-Square books disappear after Preparing (I think) and the science is much heavier in Creation to Christ. I have never liked the SSbooks either but my kids love them so I let them read them on their own as scheduled and we go on.


My 11 yods is on Week 12 of Creation to Christ and we think it is a great program. We are enjoying the seamless integration of Biblical history with secular history. I have made the projects optional for my guy . . . some of the projects just seem like time wasters to both my kids and I, however, some are great - I think it's just like any other curriculum. Take what you like and leave the rest. We've skipped most of the clay projects this year but last week he made the 12 squares game and that was fun. We've had a hard time with some of the Genesis: Finding our Roots and Child's Geography . . . well, I should say we did at first but now we are finding our groove and enjoying it though we aren't necessarily doing all of the projects scheduled.

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So, I am done with that but, I love the concept of everything scheduled in small lessons covering all subjects.

I would have 2 kids ready for Creation to Christ next year and from what I have seen (in person) it looks good but I hate to buy it and be disappointed again.


BTDT. Bought, sold, re-bought and re-sold a few different levels. I *wanted* to love it. I really did. That last part about hating to buy it and be disappointed again is the very thing that kept me from re-buying it again this past summer. :tongue_smilie:


But based on the above comment -- "I love the concept of everything scheduled in small lessons covering all subjects" -- have you ever considered My Father's World? Most people who don't click well with HOD do well with MFW, and vice versa. They're similar, yet different. It's those differences that make people prefer one over the other.


And of course some people just don't care for either one. :)

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I am one that is in the try it again category. Over these last 20 yrs I have tried many curriculum that I hated and swore never to return to only to try it again and have a child love it. I am going to be doing this again next year with a curriculum I have bashed over the years. Different ages, different kids, different time in your life will add to or detract from a curriculum. If you have looked at it and like what you saw then I would try it. Maybe order the guide first to look over completely before getting the rest.

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No. Just don't.


That was my automatic reaction, before I could even finish reading the OP. There are too many wonderful options out there to spend another year trying to bend something you already know is not a great fit for your family. :001_smile:

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No. Just don't.


Hilarious!! :)


Thank you for all of your responses. I hate to bend it to my needs as another poster said. Yet, I am terrible about scheduling myself and need something printed out saying DO THIS! or I forget. I'll keep looking and reading thank you so much for all of your time and responses. I appreciate it so!

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BTDT. Bought, sold, re-bought and re-sold a few different levels. I *wanted* to love it. I really did. That last part about hating to buy it and be disappointed again is the very thing that kept me from re-buying it again this past summer. :tongue_smilie:


But based on the above comment -- "I love the concept of everything scheduled in small lessons covering all subjects" -- have you ever considered My Father's World? Most people who don't click well with HOD do well with MFW, and vice versa. They're similar, yet different. It's those differences that make people prefer one over the other.


And of course some people just don't care for either one. :)

:iagree:WSS! :001_smile:


I had to promise my DH to 'not try' HOD again. I Love the idea of it. I Love a lot of her choices. I just don't like how it works in practice. Like Donna, we have found MFW to be a better fit for our family. I still plan on buying HOD books from time to time; but not another TM.

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