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DD13 is smitten

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boy sees her as nothing more than another kid (he is 17). She thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. Last night at cadets during clean up he was speaking and singing to her in a combination of english and Italian. Now she figures he can't get any more perfect. My tomboy, full of attitude daughter is now using a wistful voice when talking about him, daydreaming about their future together, and giggling whenever she sees him. I am finding the whole thing to be hilarious. (FTR She is not allowed to date yet anyway, he has never treated her any different than any of the other cadets both male and female, and if he did I'd kill him...it's just her dreaminess over him that I find funny). She is convinced that given enough time he will see her like she sees him and they will live happily ever after.

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:lol: Oh to be young and in love! Dd12 is still grossed out by boys. I know it's coming, but I sure hope it waits a while. Now, I am counting down the days until ds9 discovers women. Maybe then he will actually shower and brush his teeth without being told 5,000 times.

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I'm not looking forward to Dd's real life crushes. Fortunately her current crush is on Mr. Darcy. I've been wondering if it will eventually transfer to a real person, but, I think she's having trouble finding a real live Mr. Darcy! For now I've just been subject to sighing and statements like "if only Mr. Darcy were real...." :svengo:


Serves me right for letting her read Pride & Prejudice w/ Ds & I.

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I'm not looking forward to Dd's real life crushes. Fortunately her current crush is on Mr. Darcy. I've been wondering if it will eventually transfer to a real person, but, I think she's having trouble finding a real live Mr. Darcy! For now I've just been subject to sighing and statements like "if only Mr. Darcy were real...." :svengo:


Serves me right for letting her read Pride & Prejudice w/ Ds & I.


Too funny!


:lol: Oh to be young and in love! Dd12 is still grossed out by boys. I know it's coming, but I sure hope it waits a while. Now, I am counting down the days until ds9 discovers women. Maybe then he will actually shower and brush his teeth without being told 5,000 times.


That's how dd was until a few months ago, and now this. Those dang hormones.

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