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Moving and seriously need motivation!

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We are moving and have a tentative closing date of dec. 17. There's a chance it could be a little sooner. I need to pack and while I am glad I have so much time, I really work better under pressure. I've known about this for more than a week and I have yet to do anything at all in preparation. Part of me is overwhelmed....I don't know where to start. Lots of stuff we'll need between now and then and I'm just not. Motivated. I should be because this move is an excellent thing for us. We had to make a long distance move 3 years ago and lost a lot of money selling our old house and we've been living in a tiny, icky apartment for 3 years. And I really love the house we're buying. But I'm still overwhelmed at everything that needs to be done. Ideas? Advice? Kick in the pants?

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Well, I won't be much help. We have a tentative close date of 12/11...but our original close date was 9/29, so dh is not letting me pack until we know for sure, for sure we are closing that date. (Or thereabouts.) It's brand new construction, so it's not your technical escrow. I'm the opposite, I've been dying to pack for months!

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Well, I won't be much help. We have a tentative close date of 12/11...but our original close date was 9/29, so dh is not letting me pack until we know for sure, for sure we are closing that date. (Or thereabouts.) It's brand new construction, so it's not your technical escrow. I'm the opposite, I've been dying to pack for months!


You're right.....that doesn't help! :D I hope y ou get the closing date you want though.....I have a friend who is almost ready to move into a new construction home. There was a time they thought they would be in by Christmas......last year! I hope you don't have any last minute surprises!

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What worked for me was setting up the empty boxes in the room first. Yes - very inconvenient to move around, but it helped to have empty boxes sitting there all taped and marked and ready to go. I would look at the boxes for a while and then I would feel like I could start putting things in them.


Setting up empty boxes and writing on them is not nearly as intimidating as packing!


Congratulations on your move!

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Are you someone who is motivated by planning or lists?


If yes, maybe mapping out a realistic plan for getting everything packed and cleaned would help? For example, if you can really only afford to work on packing 2 hours a day from now until then, then map out a specific plan that helps you get done by the first week of December.


I usually grossly underestimate how much time projects will take (what I think I can get done in an hour, usually takes two). So making a realistic plan (with some "buffer" built in) helps me see that I really don't have "all the time in the world" and that helps me get my butt in gear. ;). Plus, it's always fun and motivating to cross things off a list as they are completed...

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Are you someone who is motivated by planning or lists?


If yes, maybe mapping out a realistic plan for getting everything packed and cleaned would help? For example, if you can really only afford to work on packing 2 hours a day from now until then, then map out a specific plan that helps you get done by the first week of December.


I usually grossly underestimate how much time projects will take (what I think I can get done in an hour, usually takes two). So making a realistic plan (with some "buffer" built in) helps me see that I really don't have "all the time in the world" and that helps me get my butt in gear. ;). Plus, it's always fun and motivating to cross things off a list as they are completed...


I've been trying to make a plan to conquer a certain area each day. Starting with closets and stuff and moving toward things used on s more regular basis.....but it hasn't happened yet. It is very motivating to cross things off the list though.

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put boxes in every room. Have one ready to pack at all times. Then you can go room to room packing randomly. Once you get a few boxes in a room done you will find the motivation. I find doing room by room more motivating and since you only have a few weeks you can pack everything now but a small bag of stuff. Kids stuff packed up first for us, kitchen last. But get the boxes and trash bags out!

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