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Anemia in children, have you had this experience?

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DS, 13, was just diagnosed with anemia. Apparently it is diet related (he's a vegetarian) and he's now beginning iron supplements. For about a year now he has been grumpy, tired alternated with hyper and impossible to keep on task and in his seat. I have found out these can all be signs of anemia (he has had a very energetic and high maintenance personality all of his life, so it hard to tell where that stops and the anemia begins). It can also impair cognitive abilities. And yes, lately he has had trouble with memorizing things he could have easily done 2-3 years ago.


Has anyone has a similar experience with their child? And if so, how long did it take for your child to return to "normal" after iron supplements?

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Both my ds and I struggle with chronic anemia. What you describe is definitely normal for low iron.


You can search my name on TWTM and you will find many posts and threads that discuss iron issues.


He should start feeling better within a month, but it takes a loooooong time for iron to build in the system. When I was at my lowest, it took me about eight months for my numbers to creep into the normal range, though I felt better (could feel a difference) within a month.


Ds and I both tolerate the iron better if we take it at night.

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We had anemia here too when one dd decided at 5 that she would NOT eat protein and iron rich foods.


Did they do a full blood work panel to make sure there is nothing else going on as well? Thyroid issues can also cause many of the same symptoms. Don't know how common it is but dd ended up with both anemia and hypothryoid.

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Yes. DS 10 has had trouble with anemia off and on for almost two years. We did iron supplements and recently have gone to making him smoothies with lots of spinach in them. :)


The symptoms sound very much like what we dealt with. It was baffling. He was hyper then exhausted and as I said to the doctor, he was a bit of a space cadet. No concentration.


He seemed better within the month and his levels were better within 6 weeks or so.

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Dd has always been borderline anemic. She's rather bright but I have noticed that she has a much harder time memorizing now that when she was younger. I never figured out if this was due to some problem like anema or if it could simply be part of normal development. She also has CAPD, which makes it a bit difficult to determine if it's a normal concentration problem or if she's zoning out because listening for longer periods of time exhausts her.


Dd is usually tired and has been for years. She also tends to be very pale.


The good news is that for the first time she's really been good about taking her iron supplements. I'd say she's been better about it for two months or so. Her color is getting better. She's also been more diligent lately about getting things done. Her SAT scores got better, too. Coincidence? Who knows?

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