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Small victories :)

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My 6 yo just read a simple book to me with no help and no whining! Ah! I'm so excited I could dance around the house the rest of the night. I even pointed out there was one more page and she got excited the book wasn't over. It's only a 6-7 page book with a 4-6 word sentence on each page, but still! For her not to whine or say she can't do it is a big win for me! :thumbup:


I have felt like a failure seeing all my friends post about their kids work and reading skills (ps and hs) and doubting my choices. It feels so good to get some validation!


Am I being silly? Anyone else feel like this with their kids?

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Thanks for sharing the great news!!!


(And please stop comparing yourself with others -- that sort of thing never ends well for any of us!!! :grouphug:)



I know, but when I see most (if not all) my friend's kids that are her age (within 6 months of her age) at the same level it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong :( I try to counter that with, my kid has tons of free spirit, she can do and knows about things that interest her. She's been allowed to be herself instead of forced to sit in a room with 30 other kids. She knows so much about science. That's what interests her and I LOVE to talk about and do experiments and hands on stuff with her.


The reading and writing is something neither of us like to sit down and do. She doesn't enjoy it and I don't like to hear her whining about it. We're on week 8 of our school year and last week was an all time low. That's the reason I just joined a bunch of homeschool boards. I was hoping to find ideas on how to change my methods and figure out something that would work. Then this week a flip switched. She even sounded out "dinnowsayr" this week for writing one of her silly sentences (with a little bit of whining, but not her normal level of "I don't want to, you need to help me"). This week has been great.


Thanks everyone! I feel so silly being excited about it, but I am :)

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