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Paging Dr. Hive-limping....

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Ok, my oldest hurt her foot last Thursday. She was throwing a massive temper tantrum and ended up falling off the bottom 2 stairs onto our tile floor. I didn't have much sympathy after her fit............but she did hurt her foot on the floor. She's complaining of heel pain and I'm fairly certain she bruised her heal. She limped around for a while but she's still limping noticeably a week later. She favors that foot and even hops around to avoid walking on it. When she does put her weight on it she is rolling her foot to one side to only walk on the outer edge of her foot. I initially thought she would be back to herself after a few days but that hasn't happened. I'm really concerned with her limping and rolling her foot while walking. What should I do? Give it a few more days or take her to a dr? And what dr should we see? What did she do to her foot and why isn't it better??? :confused:

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I would take her in for an x-ray. My neice broke her foot twice this year---once doing a cartwheel on the grass and the other time riding a stationary bike.


For a 6 year old to still be limping a few days later there is likely something going on.

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You need to get an x-ray. If you can bypass the family doctor and just get straight into a podiatrist, that would be your best bet. Feet should be taken care of by the foot doctor according to my doctor friend. Granted she is a podiatrist and may be slightly biased.

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I would go to the pedi first to see what they say. They can do an X-ray, and if it is not broken, then you can avoid a specialist fee. My ds saw an orthopedic specialist when he fractured his leg just above the foot, but I have seen people in braces and casts in the podiatrist office where he gets his orthotics, so a pedi would be a good place to start. Good luck.

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