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Multi-family vacation

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We're beginning to look into taking a 3-generation vacation next summer with 10 adults and 10 children. I found a rental house that will fit all of us comfortably with plenty of room to sprawl out, but it's very no-frills; no pool, no beach, activities require short drives.


I'm starting to make up a list of things to keep the kids busy and engaged with each other. Half of them are mine, lol, so I'm pretty familiar with what entertains THEM, but I'd like to get a broader list going.


We will have an almost-15yo boy, then 5 girls ranging from 7 to 13, 6yo boy, 4yo girl, 2yo boy and almost-2yo girl.

I'm starting to feel real bad for my oldest son, lol.


Packing space will be an issue.


So hit me with your best ideas!

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My family takes a vacation together every summer. There are currently twenty of us, 10 adults, 9 kids. We've found the secret to be letting everyone play to their strengths rather than one person doing it all.


We usually take our Wii. The kids get to share their games with players they don't normally play with. It's engaging for all ages.


One of my sisters is super crafty so she always has an afternoon where she facilitates a craft that can be made and taken home. Decorating flip flops making a picture frame, painting a tile, stamping stationary.


Another sister loves to make messes with the kids. She usually bakes cupcakes and lets everyone decorate until they can't decorate any longer. One year she did ice cream sundaes. Another she picked sugar cookies. The kids look forward to seeing what kind of mess they get to make each year.


A third sister loves to plan parties so every year she plans a different afternoon party event. This past year she brought props for a photo booth. We all had a blast with the mustaches and hats.


I plan a family olympics. The games are silly and crazy and the competition is fierce. At least as fierce as it can be when the ages range from infant to 70+.


As for other activities:


Designate one table as an activity table and change the materials there every few days. Playdough, beads and string, color books and crayons, oragami paper and an instruction book, balloons and a book about making balloon animals, etc.


There are enough girls that a mani-pedi session might be fun. Different colors of polish and polish remover don't take up much space.


Photo scavenger hunts are fun too.


Don't forget music. We all love sharing new music with each other. This might really appeal to your older kids. Dance parties are always fun.

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We've gone to the beach with another family twice - it happened to be during the Olympics both times. Any tv time was the Olympics. So that was easy. The boys played Settlers of Cataan. The girls talked.


The first year we did the sight seeing stuff. One day was visiting the next was the beach. This time everyday was the beach. We did go on kayaks this time and really enjoyed it. But for group activities that was pretty much it. We all enjoyed it. We all want to go again. But if we wait another 4 years, the girls will be old enough that they may not go.


Kids this time :

18 yo g

2 15 yo g

2 12 yo b

11 yo b


Anyway, we didn't really plan anything this time. We still had fun.

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We frequently share vacation time up at our family's cabin.


We've enjoyed an on-going puzzle in the corner for down-times or rainy days.


We allow our teens to have some private time, and to go into the nearby small town by themselves (with permission).


You really want to do all you can to keep the relationships happy, and giving a bit of space (or "free time") to everyone helps.


We take turns with supper prep. Each family takes a night, or two moms team up to take two nights. We eat separately for breakfast & lunch.


Controlling screen time may be a challenge. :001_smile:


Enjoy the time together when you can!

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