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The Violin Book


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I was wondering if anyone here has used "The Violin Book" program, and what they thought of it. I love the idea of it, and think my daughter (4) would love it, but I don't know. I saw it at a convention last summer and since things have finally calmed down here am being drawn back to it.


I have no violin experience, but I do play the flute, so I can read music and if she takes to it I am willing to get her professional lessons. It seemed pretty self explanatory from what they were showing me, and I know it's the only one mentioned in TWTM. Thanks!!

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I have the violin books and they are very step by step. You can do it. It might be a good idea to get a violin teacher to check you from time to time for hold ect. It starts out very slowly good for a young child. I'm done with the 1st 2 books if you are interested in them or have any other questions private message me. I'll be away from my computer for a few days though. My boys are learning violin from them I also have a friend who used them with her children.

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I tried it with my daughter when she was 6 (she wanted to), but we gave up after a few months. I took lessons for 8 years and have a lot of background, but as Wendy said, you have to learn how to do many things at once when you play violin, and it just didn't click here at all. It is very step by step, but I can't imagine making a lot of progress if you have zero background in violin. With violin, if bad habits get ingrained it's much harder to un-teach them later. I restarted when my daughter was in 4th grade, and positioning etc... was MUCH easier to teach at that age. At that point I quickly transitioned from the Violin Book to using Essentials and the Suzuki books. I taught her until this year and now have passed her on to a professional teacher.


Merry :-)

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