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Common Ap Recommendation Question

nancy in nj

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I have a couple of questions that I desperately need help with. I just can't seem to wrap my head around how this part of the common app works!


Can my daughter invite me in as counselor and then go back in say, tomorrow or the next, and invite in "teachers" or does it have to be done all at once?


Also, once she invites people in for one school, do these same people carryover for all schools? So they write one recommendation, and it is accessible by all the schools or do the "teachers" have to download the recommendations separately for each college?


Is there a way to invite different people for different schools? Our state flagship is adament that they want 2 recommendations and 2 only, yet some of the private schools encourage more for homeschoolers.





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Can my daughter invite me in as counselor and then go back in say, tomorrow or the next, and invite in "teachers" or does it have to be done all at once?

She doesn't have to do it all at once.


Also, once she invites people in for one school, do these same people carryover for all schools? So they write one recommendation, and it is accessible by all the schools or do the "teachers" have to download the recommendations separately for each college?

The recommenders write one letter and all schools she applies to within the Common App will see the letters.


Is there a way to invite different people for different schools? Our state flagship is adament that they want 2 recommendations and 2 only, yet some of the private schools encourage more for homeschoolers.

I would suggest calling the private schools she is applying to and asking if the recommenders could send a LOR directly to the school.


Good luck!


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The recommenders write one letter and all schools she applies to within the Common App will see the letters.



I think for each school she will be able to select which recommendations she wants to use. For example, my son had four recommenders submit online letters and then for each school he was able to select 2-4 to include, depending on what each school required. He wasn't able to see the letters, he just chose by the recommender's name. I think the only time you might need to send a letter snail mail is if the common app portal for a particular school only allows a very limited number, but they encourage more for homeschoolers. I think my son's schools accepted anywhere from two to ten through the online Common App. After checking with them, we ended up mailing one extra to each of the schools that only accepted two online.

Edited by Frances
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