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What gift for young man joining Army?

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Well, technicaly he's already joined, but he's leaving Monday for basic training. His parents are having a going away party this evening and I wanted to give him something, but wasn't sure what? Is the best choice just cash? I'm fine with that, just wanted to make sure there wasn't something better I hadn't thought of.

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OT: Probably during the first or second week, they will offer a one time opportunity, to sign up for an Educational plan. If the new enlisted personnel agree to contribute USD$100 per month, for each of their first 12 months (USD$1200 total is their contribution), after they receive an Honorable Discharge, they can get up to USD$37,000 (possibly slight more than that) in educational benefits. That is a super ROI...

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Back when I was in the Army, in boot camp and AIT I went through phone cards like crazy, though moreso in AIT. But if you don't just want to hand him a wad of cash, a phone card would definitely get used. They take your cell if you bring one and you have to make your calls home on a pay phone.

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