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OPGTR's last lessons


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We are in the final section of OPGTR where we are to be reading multisyllable words. My LO is a great,advanced reader but is a memorizer. So, we've gone through the entire book, but are just now having big troubles with these last lessons. We are having big frustrations (both of us) and tears.


What can I do to make this final push enjoyable? It has turned into a big discouragement for both of us. (we do AAS too so I'm not too worried about a lack of phonics in his education.)

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I wouldn't think there would be any harm in taking a break and coming back to it. Since you are already working on AAS I would follow along with that and come back to the multi-syllable words in a little while.


Yes. I've contemplated this idea. But we are only 3 lessons away from finishing the book (231 lessons). Sooooo close.

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Yes. I've contemplated this idea. But we are only 3 lessons away from finishing the book (231 lessons). Sooooo close.


I definitely empathize with being so close and wanting to just.finish. But it does sound like you need a break. It doesn't have to be long. Maybe a week or two, and then try again. It's amazing what a week or two break can do for attitude over here.

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Why not just skip the end? I used OPGTR with both of mine and we never went through the whole book completely. We just started reading more together (Mcguffey Readers + other books he enjoyed). OPGTR is pretty dry.


Another thought - something else we tried (that my youngest enjoyed) I wrote out parts of sentences (with words we were working on) on strips of cardboard that looked like lined paper (they have these at the dollar stores) and we would put different sentences together practicing the same words over. No need to follow the book if he's learning the words/syllables etc.

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