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I finished the Harry Potter series


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I loved the series! I am glad I waited. I must confess I had reservations about the series early on and wanted to wait until she was done before I jumped on the bandwagon. I didn't know where it was headed. Then, my husband and I decided to have our children wait until about 12yo so they could read them all without getting scared.


I'm sooooo glad I waited bc I could read them straight through without waiting for the next book. I don't know how all of you waited! Didn't you forget details before the next book came out?


My daughter finished the series a couple of weeks ago. My son is on #6, but he's reading quickly. :)


I'm dying to read some books or lectures about the entire series... I'm going to buy Repotting Harry Potter for my bday or Christmas. My library had The Gospel According to Harry Potter, by Connie Neal. It was very weak imo just skimming it though. I am glad I didn't buy it. Any suggestions? I wasn't sure about the Granger books, there are so many.


No girl character in children's or ya lit compares to Hermione! We just love her. She makes it seem so cool to be smart!

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We, too, didn't read them until they were all out! I can't imagine having to wait for the next book to release. We did have to wait for movies 6 and 7 though. We actually had a H.P. Marathon on the day part one of Deathly Hallows released and went to the midnight showing. Fun stuff! Misinformation about Harry Potter lead us to not jump on the bandwagon early on. Our whole family has enjoyed the series and the movies now. A year ago today we were in Orlando visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Dd was picked for the wand choosing ceremony at Olivander's on her 11th birthday. It was a great trip.


I've read a couple of the extra books but haven't loved any of them yet. I say get what you can from the library so you don't waste any money. ;)


ETA: I agree about Hermione! Dd12 just loves her and what a great character to look up to!

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I read the first 4 in a row then had to wait for each remaining book. I've read them aloud. I've read them alone. Ds has read them. We watch the movies. All the time. My kids know that when I ask what movie they want to watch, I'm really asking which HP movie. LOL I got HP legos for Mother's Day.

I know a lot of people don't like Rowling or Harry. I do. I fell into the story and have yet to come back out. It's like the characters are good friends and I do miss them. We visited Legoland last year. The highlight of my trip is getting my picture taken with a life-size lego Hagrid. That picture is framed on the wall.

I'm glad you liked the books. I haven't read any extras. I do have the HP cookbook. That's fun.

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I love them! I read the first 4 and then had to wait for the rest. I remember my mom standing in line with me at midnight to get the 5th book. I can reread it a dozen times and it never gets old. I reread every book up to the release of a new one so it was fresh in my mind.

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I love them! I read the first 4 and then had to wait for the rest. I remember my mom standing in line with me at midnight to get the 5th book. I can reread it a dozen times and it never gets old. I reread every book up to the release of a new one so it was fresh in my mind.

I read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone before it was even released in the US (I bought it in London to bring back for my nephew and ended up reading it on the plane :tongue_smilie:) and this is what I did as well. I'm sure I have the first book memorized.


I'm glad that waiting until the kids are older worked out for you - we're doing the same thing and withholding the books and movies until our kids are 10.

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